As the US presidential campaign heats up, immigration and debate rules have emerged as key issues between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Trump has made immigration a central theme, proposing several hardline measures. He has suggested using the Alien Enemies Act to deport known or suspected gang members, drug dealers, and cartel members. Additionally, Trump plans to shift significant portions of federal law enforcement, including the DEA, ATF, FBI, and DHS, to focus on immigration enforcement. He has also promised to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history. Interestingly, despite his stance on tightening immigration, Trump proposed in June to automatically grant green cards to foreign nationals who graduate from US colleges.

In contrast, Harris has been working to counter Trump’s aggressive immigration rhetoric. Her campaign highlights her support for increasing the number of Border Patrol agents while criticizing Trump for rejecting a bipartisan immigration deal. Harris’s approach focuses on long-term solutions, such as improving conditions in Central America to reduce migration pressures. She has engaged the private sector and formed the Partnership for Central America, aiming to create jobs and address the root causes of migration.

Beyond immigration, the two candidates are also at odds over the rules for upcoming debates. Trump’s team has called for microphones to be muted when the other candidate is not speaking, a rule that was applied during the first debate with President Joe Biden. However, Harris’s campaign insists that both candidates’ microphones should remain live throughout the debates, allowing for a more dynamic exchange. Trump has expressed a preference for live microphones, but his team appears divided on the issue.

Trump’s campaign has also accused Harris’s team of trying to change the debate format by requesting a seated debate with notes, which they have denied. As debate preparations continue, both candidates are gearing up to present their visions for America’s future, with immigration and other pressing issues likely to dominate the discussions.

With both Trump and Harris fiercely preparing for the debates and the election drawing closer, these clashes highlight the deep divisions between their approaches and policies, setting the stage for a high-stakes political showdown.

Subha KS- Staff Reporter