Image credit: Michelle Bottalico/Tasting Table

Watermelon salsa, a delightful twist on traditional salsa, has become a summer favorite thanks to its refreshing taste and versatility. Developed by recipe creator Michelle Bottalico, this recipe combines the natural sweetness of watermelon with crisp vegetables and zesty herbs for a burst of flavor that’s perfect for any occasion.

To prepare this refreshing salsa, start by gathering your ingredients. You’ll need ripe watermelon, preferably seedless or regular depending on your preference. A quarter or half of a prepackaged watermelon works well if you don’t need a whole one. Additionally, grab a yellow bell pepper for its pleasant color contrast, along with cucumber, red onion, cilantro, mint, lime juice, and salt to enhance the flavors.

In a large bowl, combine 2 cups of diced watermelon (seeds removed), 1/4 cup each of diced yellow bell pepper and cucumber, and 1/4 cup of diced red onion. Add 3 tablespoons of finely chopped cilantro and 2 tablespoons of chopped mint for freshness. Drizzle in 1 tablespoon of lime juice to give it a tangy kick. Optionally, you can include a finely diced jalapeño for extra heat, depending on your preference for spice.

Gently toss all the ingredients together until they are evenly mixed. Take a moment to taste and adjust the seasoning by adding more salt or lime juice if desired.

This vibrant watermelon salsa is ready to serve immediately. It pairs wonderfully with crispy tortilla chips for a classic snack. However, its uses extend far beyond dipping. Use it as a topping for tacos, burritos, or grilled fish and meats to add a burst of flavor. Incorporate it into scrambled eggs for a refreshing twist, spread it on baked potatoes, or mix it into salads with vegetables or grains like quinoa for a summery touch.

For a visually appealing presentation at your next summer gathering, consider serving this watermelon salsa inside hollowed-out mini watermelon halves. This not only enhances the presentation but also adds to the festive summer vibe.

Re-reported from the article originally published in TASTING TABLES.

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