Why Nudity is Always Linked to Sexuality, Especially in Women

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Let’s face it; most of us cannot look at a naked person without getting disturbed, embarrassed or feeling turned on. Nudity is always linked to sexuality. It is considered shameful if it’s in public.
Movies are rated R based on the amount of nudity it has. But think again, a human is a human. It is the body that we all have. So, nudity does not always have to be sexualised.
When the word naked is heard, without a second thought the next word that pops up into one’s mind is “sex”. But the unacknowledged fact is that one can be all dressed up and be sexual, and on the other hand, one can be in minimal or no clothes, and still not be sexual.
The reason behind this mental link of nudity and sexuality is because normally a human is always clothed. We take off clothes only for a bath or shower; or while having sex. So normally the instances a person sees another person’s naked body is while having sex or on pornography. This makes them link nudity to sexuality immediately.
This needs to change. We should be able to look at humans and see beyond their exposed skin. We need to have conversations that normalize a woman’s body in its infinite variety so that women are not traumatized by the constant shaming, and men learn better or keep their opinions to themselves.
This link between nudity and sexuality is the prime reason that rapists make inhuman excuses that the revealing clothing of the victim was an invitation for them. This is the reason that people have a problem with a mother breastfeeding her baby in public. If even a woman’s exposed breast that is feeding her baby turns you on, what kind of human are you? There is nothing sexual in that act.
A human should be and need to be seen as a human even without clothes. Often in movies, nudity is directly proportional to sex or sexuality. Though there are movies that have non-sexual nudity like Schindler’s List, in the majority of the movies, the female body is widely sexualised. Take for example the popular HBO series, Game of Thrones. Despite having a 42% female viewership more than half the nude scenes in this famous show have depicted sexualised female nudity. Unfortunately, this is the norm in the film and television industry.
Historically, nudity has been practiced in some cultures without any necessary association with sexuality. Even in the bible, nudity is often depicted non-sexually in a natural way.
Family-friendly nude activities happen all across Canada and North America in city pools and are open to all ages. Every single public nude beach in North America is family-friendly and open to all ages.
But it takes a lot for people to wrap their heads around the concept that people can be naked without it being sexual. We cannot yet see naked humans and not feel anything at all. We have yet to come to a place where we see a naked human body as a human body and just that.
-Poorna Kisan