Women- Power reservoir

I guess most people have got messed up with the concept of Women’s Empowerment. It is all about granting, power by a ‘somebody’ to women, well, let us realize that power already resides in women right from the beginning of their life till death.
If we are keen on searching for what makes a man strong, the capabilities in ourselves remain unexplored, so let us focus on ourselves and get empowered. A woman is such a magnificent creation by God – the one who has the powers to create, cultivate, and even destroy!
When you do not introspect into the creation, you probably end up losing confidence in yourself, and that would be the point where you start to search for and finally end up picking an irrelevant word from your dictionary. Women Empowerment!
I think the long stories of economic, political, social, and cultural barriers that made a woman get suffocated and burdened are outdated. Every industry, varying from fashion, agriculture, business, politics, law, anything, and everything carries a label of a successful woman, which supports that ‘power resides in her’. The asymmetric or unequal power in a woman’s hand is no more a cup of tea.
I would like to emphasize the power within every woman, and this needs empowerment. The woman in you, the woman in me, and the woman in every one of us is a deep sea with lots of corals and precious pearlstones. When you have a reservoir, with the fullest potential, the only risk factor involved is to excavate and explore them and enjoy the benefits.
Your inner self has the wonderful and effulgent stars which need to be given ultimate power, that would bestow the title of a SuperWoman.
If you have a feeling that just snatching equal rights or exercising the power of the opposite gender is woman empowerment, then it would be foolish. If there could ever be a list of what a woman can do, that would have millions of points, I would say!
Being a daughter, a sister, a friend, a girlfriend, a wife, a mother, an aunt, or a grandmother, these stages are enough to show the power we already possess. People management skills, life skills, and financial management skills are part and parcel of our life.
The mind of a woman is a habitat for plenty of admirable talents and capabilities. If we could throw light onto our abilities, these can illuminate our future upon execution.
We need to self-examine our worth, not in terms of men, but in terms of ourselves. The first and foremost step would be eliminating the thought that women belong to the suppressed section of this world. Fear of rejection and fear of solitude should be eliminated.
I would say that women are the most respected even according to mythology. The Goddesses are the best examples to prove it. We call Earth, our mother! India is our mother country! But remember, Hurricanes are also named after females, Lol!!.
If you would ask me, the matter of women molestation, gang rape, and murders, these could never be supported. This is the greatest humiliation a woman can face ever! This needs a response, from our end. To build a woman, she needs a safe and secure world, that protects her from these kinds of omens. A strict and fearful legal system would be a solution to this offense. The criminals need to be punished and in turn, this would never let people try to harm women. The rest is with us, with the women, who bring up our sons, to teach them and make them realize that women need to be treated with due respect, love, and care! This would certainly help us to eradicate unethical behavior to a great extent so that they shall be safe enough to catch their dreams!
Similarly, it would be complete, only if we teach daughters to treat the opposite gender with the same love and respect. Mutual understanding and cooperation can certainly build a feeling of security and freedom among women. This would certainly be the foundation for women’s empowerment. Once this is done, the rest is as easy as pie!
I would love to share a quote by Hilary Clinton,” Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world”.
Recognizing our talents and abilities in ourselves will change the person in us. Once recognized, if these are being utilized in the right platform, then things are going to be marked in golden words. Confidence is the best ornament for a woman. This will not only empower you but will allow you to stand out from the crowd.
Physical and mental well-being are very important factors in a woman’s life that change her path. To maintain a successful life, we need to work for ambition and break the fear of being judged. No matter what, always hard work results in success. Execute what your conscience says- No gain without pain and this needs to be always kept in mind.
When we have Mother Theresa, Kalpana Chawla, Karnam Malleswary, Kiran Bedi, Anne Frank, Malala Yousafzai, and many more stars twinkling in the pages of winning minds, we should realize that empowerment starts from ourselves. Wish the women pioneers and women aspirers to fly high with the wings of dreams and hit cloud nine!

Ms. Anjaly Chandran
Kakkanad, Thuthiyoor
csez. P. O