Wondering How to Improve Your Well-Being? Explore the Benefits of Access Bars


How many of you would choose to RUN YOUR BARS, as against exercising the option of RUNNING TO THE BAR?

Image Credit: Copilot

This was a question that I had posed to a motley gathering of both men and women belonging to the mid-high management strata of a corporate house where I was to take a wellness session. Some hands were raised in favor of RUNNING TO THE BAR. But the frazzled expression writ large on most faces showed their confusion about what I was aiming at. Their expression changed to one of surprise when I said, ‘’ We do have BARS located in our head.” Bars are the 32 points on our head, when touched gently, release all our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, etc which have stopped us from creating the life we wish for.

Founded by Gary M. Douglas in 1990, and later joined by Dr. Dain Heer, ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS came into being as a non-invasive energy therapy to release blockages and bring ease in different areas of life. In the era of stress and anxiety-filled lives, this is indeed a welcome change.

 Today’s life is fast-paced. For us women, the road gets tougher as it is a constant maintaining a professional balance with that of a personal one. How many of us are able to get the ME Time that we all crave? For most of us who are mothers, a typical day starts with getting kids ready for school, fulfilling household responsibilities (a never-ending one in most cases), rushing to the workplace, coming back home to a series of unending responsibilities, being there for every other person under the sun! The WORK FROM HOME  alternative has been a bane in this case where putting up a professional front with the constant tugs and pulls of the home environment really becomes taxing!

Healing modalities and wellness therapies go hand in hand to give relief to our over-stressed selves in today’s new age dynamics. It’s a ‘’ LOOK GOOD FEEL GOOD” objective all the way. We need to show ourselves at our very best on our professional front. Ambition, peer pressure, social standing, personal relations – all need to be worked out. So what do we do? Visit parlours no doubt. But we also look for healing our inner self. Thus we fall back on healing modalities and wellness therapies.

This is where Access Bars come in. It is a gentle touch modality that involves touching 32 points on the head to release anything that does not allow us to receive. it clears away all thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs that keep us stuck, thereby creating more space for new possibilities in our lives.

Benefits include enhanced sleep quality, increased mental clarity, improved physical health, and stress and anxiety relief to name a few. Every Access Bars session is different for each individual. After close to one hour of therapy, there is a sense of relaxation, so needed in today’s hectic lifestyle. What is the worst that can happen after a session? One feels so relaxed as if one has had a great massage!

So for all of us Go Getters, let us have a ‘me time’ sometime with this radical and pragmatic therapy, releasing all that is redundant and abandoning ourselves to the limitless possibilities. Let us use this therapy to power the already EMPOWERED US in a new dimension.

-Soma Swagata Basu is a life insurance consultant specializing in Personal Savings, Child Education, and Retirement Planning, with over two decades of experience.

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