Yoga for Depression: Neeta’s 15-Day Transformation

Neeta, initially a sporty and lively person, sought advice on yoga for depression despite having a supportive family. Under the guidance of yoga expert Kamini Bobde, Neeta embarked on a 15-day yoga journey to overcome her internal struggles.
The yoga capsule designed for Neeta included dynamic asanas and pranayama to awaken her energy, restore balance in her hormones, and address her peri-menopausal imbalances. The asanas required rapid breathing and were aimed at anchoring and calming her mind.
Starting with one-hour morning sessions and 20-minute evening sessions, Neeta experienced gradual improvement in her well-being. She regained her desire and enthusiasm, eventually agreeing to join her family for a trip to Ladakh.
The causes of depression often involve biological imbalances, emotional upheavals, or prolonged sadness. In Neeta’s case, hormonal changes played a significant role. Yoga practices such as breath awareness, asanas, and pranayama helped Neeta find balance and tranquility.
While finding a good teacher is ideal for regular practice, Neeta’s capsule included specific asanas. These included Naukasana (Boat rowing), Chakkichalasana (Grinding motion), Swana Pranayama (Panting like a dog), Tadasana (Palm tree pose), Hasta Merudandasana, and Suryanamaskar.
Pranayama exercises like Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, Suryabheda, and Anulom Vilom were recommended alongside the yoga asanas. Chanting Aum or a mantra of personal faith concluded the practice.
Initially experiencing positive effects, Neeta discontinued her practice, leading to a relapse. She then realized the need for consistent dedication. After six months of diligent practice, Neeta was able to come out of the depressive state and no longer required medication.
Neeta’s commitment to yoga lasted for over 15 years, and she continues to practice the asanas she learned. Through yoga, she found a transformative path towards overcoming depression and embracing a balanced and fulfilled life.
Re-reported from the article originally published in The Indian Express.