Bangladesh PM urges UN to recognize March 25 as International Genocide Day

Image Source: The Statesman

Bangladesh’s Prime Minister has called on the United Nations to recognize March 25 as International Genocide Day. The date marks the beginning of the 1971 war between Bangladesh and Pakistan, which resulted in the deaths of millions of people and the displacement of millions more.

The Bangladesh Prime Minister’s appeal comes as a way to recognize the atrocities committed during the war and to ensure that such events never happen again. She believes that it is essential to acknowledge the past to move towards a better future.

The Prime Minister has also called on the international community to support Bangladesh’s efforts to seek justice for the victims of the war. She believes that it is crucial to hold those responsible for the genocide
accountable and to provide reparations to the victims.

The Bangladesh government has been working towards seeking justice for the victims of the war for many years. They have set up tribunals to prosecute those responsible for the atrocities committed during the war, and they have also sought the support of the international community in this regard.

Staff Reporter