We Can Stop Ageing But Not Reverse It, Reveals Study

Image Credit: India.com

According to a recent study, it is possible to halt the aging process but reversing it is currently not feasible. The study findings suggest that age-related diseases can be slowed down and even prevented if aging is stopped at the cellular level.

The study explored the biological mechanisms behind aging and found that the accumulation of “senescent cells” is a major contributor to the aging process. These cells are damaged or dysfunctional and can no longer divide and multiply properly. They can also cause inflammation and harm healthy cells around them.

The research team tested various interventions to stop the accumulation of senescent cells in mice, including a drug combination that eliminated them from the animals’ bodies. The results showed that halting the accumulation of senescent cells significantly extended the lifespan of the mice and delayed the onset of age-related diseases, such as osteoporosis and frailty.

However, despite these promising findings, the study also revealed that reversing aging is currently not possible. The damage that has already been done to the body cannot be undone, even if senescent cells are eliminated. Therefore, it is crucial to intervene early to prevent the accumulation of these cells and stop the aging process at the cellular level.

RE-reported from the story originally published in India.com