Ex-New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to join Harvard

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Jacinda Ardern, the former Prime Minister of New Zealand, has been appointed as a Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School in the United States. Ardern, a global icon of the left and an inspiration to women around the world, has been appointed to dual fellowships at the Harvard Kennedy School. She will serve as the 2023 Angelopoulos Global Public Leaders Fellow and a Hauser Leader in the school’s Center for Public Leadership beginning this fall.

During her fellowship, Ardern will participate in a variety of activities at the Institute of Politics, including leading study groups, engaging with students, and participating in public policy discussions. She will also work on a book project focused on the role of government in promoting well-being and economic growth.

Ardern’s appointment is a significant recognition of her leadership and contributions to public service. During her tenure as Prime Minister, she gained international acclaim for her compassionate and decisive response to crises, including the Christchurch mosque shootings and the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a statement, Ardern expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to join the Harvard community and share her experiences with students and faculty. She also highlighted the importance of international collaboration and learning to address the complex challenges facing societies around the world.

The appointment of Ardern as a fellow is also a testament to Harvard’s commitment to fostering global leadership and promoting diversity in its academic community. In recent years, the school has welcomed a diverse range of fellows, including politicians, journalists, and activists from around the world.

RE-reported from the story originally published in CBS News