Image Credit: Jagran TV

As the world observes World Day Against Child Labour in 2023, it becomes imperative to address the issue of child labor and highlight the existing laws in India, along with the necessary steps to file complaints against such egregious violations.

India has enacted several laws and regulations to combat child labor and protect the rights of children. The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, of 1986, and the Right to Education Act, of 2009, are two significant legislative measures in this regard. These laws aim to eliminate child labor and ensure that every child receives free and compulsory education until the age of 14.

To file a complaint regarding child labor in India, one can follow a few essential steps. Anyone may submit a complaint to the Ministry of Labour and Employment online using the PENCIL Portal Child Labour Section. Firstly, it is crucial to gather all relevant information and evidence regarding the incident, such as the name and address of the establishment, the nature of work performed by the child, and any witnesses or testimonies available.

The next step involves reporting the incident to the nearest police station or the District Child Protection Unit (DCPU) in the area. It is essential to provide the collected information and cooperate with the authorities throughout the process.

Additionally, one can also reach out to the Childline helpline number (1098) or the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) to report cases of child labor. These organizations play a vital role in ensuring the welfare and protection of children.

It is important to note that the identities of complainants are kept confidential to protect them from any potential harm or retaliation. The authorities will then investigate the matter and take appropriate action against the offenders as per the provisions of the law.

Re-reported from the story originally published in Jagran TV