8 Comics that Expertly Illustrate Society’s Unreasonable Standards for Women

Image: @lainey.molnar/Instagram

Artist Lainey Molnar uses her comic illustrations to show how society treats women unfairly in different parts of life. She shares her work on Instagram, where she talks about being a woman and a feminist.

She tries to make complicated things simple but also wants to talk about the details. Her latest series looks at how women are treated differently because of their race, wealth, and religion.

For example, she shows how people see a white single mom as strong, but a Black single mom gets criticized. She also shows how a white girl is praised for learning a new language, but people make fun of an Indian girl for not speaking English perfectly.

Molnar also talks about how people judge women based on their looks. A white woman with curly hair is seen as cool, but a Black woman with an afro is seen as messy. She also shows how people treat rich and poor girls differently when it comes to their clothes.

She also talks about how people see women who wear modest clothes or a hijab. Some people think they’re oppressed, but others think they’re classy.

Molnar’s comics show how society has different rules for different women. She wants people to think about these unfair rules and work towards a fairer world.

Her comics help start important conversations and make people think about their own biases. By looking at her art, people can understand better the challenges that women face and try to make the world a better place for everyone.

Repurposed article originally published in Upworthy

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