Boost your liver with 15 foods for health!


The liver is a super important organ in our body. It does a lot of jobs like helping with digestion, storing minerals, making bile, and cleaning our blood. But even though it’s so important, we often forget about it.

To keep our liver happy and healthy, we can eat certain foods that are good for it. These foods include things like green vegetables, berries, citrus fruits, fish, beans, nuts, and olive oil. They have vitamins and antioxidants that help our liver work well and protect it from damage.

Image credit: Hindustan times

It’s also important to eat balanced meals with a mix of different healthy foods. Planning meals ahead of time can help make sure we’re giving our liver the support it needs. Sometimes, taking supplements can also help if we’re not getting enough nutrients from our food.

Remember, taking care of our liver is really important for our overall health and wellbeing. So, let’s give it the support it needs to keep us feeling good!

Repurposed article originally published in Hindustan times

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