Dear Readers,

Image: Copilot

When we created SheSight, it was with a dream to lift up women’s voices, to make a place where we don’t just welcome but honor everything it means to be a woman. We wanted to set up a home that recognizes women’s power, filled with opportunities we’re keen to nurture. It’s here, in this nurturing space, that we find the heart of our May edition.

This May, let’s celebrate the Mighty Matriarchs—the women who’ve given us our history and are shaping our tomorrows. Let’s recognize the unique strength women have, that inner power that helps us make wise choices and stay resilient.

Flip through these pages to find tales of the most stunning gemstones of 2024, each symbolizing the enduring, shining spirit of a woman. We applaud the women breaking barriers in sports, proving that their victories are victories for all of us. And in fashion, we’re dressing moms in ways that make them feel as amazing as they truly are.

The essence of the SheSight platform is also about us women coming together to say ‘no more’ to the abuse that too many of us face in different parts of our lives. It’s about standing united and strong. It’s a pledge that our voices together can tear down walls of oppression and create a safer, more equal world. As Mother’s Day reminds us of the unyielding spirit in every mom, every daughter, and every woman, let’s renew our vow to support and uplift one another.

Together, let’s keep discovering and embracing our power because it’s in unity that we find our truest strength.

Here’s to a month filled with the joy of celebrating the incredible journey of being a mother and a woman!

Standing with you,


Editor-in-Chief, SheSight