The Seven Step Manifesto for Happiness and Wellbeing

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Let’s rewind to 2019, a year that was a turning point in my life. I was battling clinical depression, a dark cloud that overshadowed every aspect of my existence. My body felt heavy, my mind even more so, and the idea of wellness seemed like a distant dream. Fast forward to today, and I stand transformed, having shed not just pounds from my body but also the mental burdens that once weighed me down. This transformation wasn’t easy, but it was possible, and it’s all thanks to embracing the wellness principles in my life.  People around me feel the difference and acknowledge that I am growing younger day by day! Well, I don’t know if biologically I am growing young, but psychologically I am growing younger! And I believe it’s due to the strict wellness regimes that I undertook on myself. Before I delve into that, a quick intro on Global Wellness Day.

Global Wellness Day, observed annually on the second Saturday of June, is more than just a date on the calendar; it’s a global call to action. Founded by Belgin Aksoy in Turkey, this day encourages us to ask ourselves a simple yet profound question: “How can I live a healthier and better life?” What started in 2012 as a small initiative has now blossomed into a worldwide movement embraced by over 100 countries. This year, on June 8th, let’s all take a moment to pause, reflect, and revitalize our lives.

The Seven-Step Manifesto

Global Wellness Day’s philosophy is encapsulated in a seven-step manifesto that is both straightforward and transformative. Let’s break it down! I follow all these in my life.

Walk for an hour: Put down the remote, step away from the screen, and rediscover the joy of moving your body. Trust me, your couch will still be there when you return. I mentioned walking instead of the hard word “Exercise” which seems difficult, but the gist is to move your body!

Drink more water: Replace that sugary soda with the elixir of life. Your body will thank you, and so will your skin. Now, alcohol is a strict No!

Do not use plastic bottles: Save the planet while you save yourself. It’s a win-win. It’s a simple act. Change all your drinking and eating utensils to steel or ceramic instead of plastic.

Eat healthy food: Swap those chips for some crunchy carrots. Your taste buds might protest initially, but your waistline will rejoice. I also follow an intermittent fasting routine where I don’t eat until 11 am and finish my eating window by 6 pm. This helps in maintain my weight and feel energized.

Do a good deed: Kindness is contagious. Spread it around like confetti. Gratitude towards small things in life also matters.

Have a family dinner: Put your phone away and talk to your family. You might learn something new about them. This small deed is also a great relationship-building exercise.

Go to bed at 10 PM: Because nothing good happens after midnight, except maybe for Cinderella, and even she had a curfew. For me, eight hours of sleep is a non-negotiable!

Make a Change

Wellness isn’t just about one day; it’s about creating lasting change. This June 8th, I challenge you to embrace the seven steps and see how they transform your life. Take a walk, drink some water, and for heaven’s sake, go to bed early. Your future self will thank you.

So, there you have it, dear readers. Global Wellness Day is your opportunity to hit the reset button on your health and well-being. Let’s commit ourselves and our communities to live better, healthier lives. And remember, wellness isn’t a destination; it’s a journey. One step at a time, we can all get there.

Happy Global Wellness Day! Let’s make it count.

Universal Love and Abundance


(Dr. CeeVee is the pen name of Dr. Chandra Vadhana R, Founder of Prayaana Labs and Managing Editor, of SheSight Magazine)