I felt exhausted, overwhelmed, nearing burnout, then paused

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Behind the glossy facade of social media, the true stories of entrepreneurs are often far more complex — and far more inspiring. As a female business owner who has weathered both dizzying highs and profound lows, I’ve learned that lasting success requires more than just external achievements.

My journey over the past few years has been a rollercoaster. One minute, I was celebrating milestones as my company grew; the next, I faced the loss of a major customer, the need to rebuild my team, property damage from a storm, and constant travel. I was on the verge of burnout, exhausted, and overwhelmed. Despite outward success, I struggled to find time to truly rest and recharge.

Amidst the chaos, I knew I needed to quiet the noise and distractions. So, I decided to retreat. My form of self-care was stepping away, even briefly, from my endless responsibilities. While a full vacation wasn’t possible, I stopped automatically answering every phone call. I sought out a therapist I connected with. Most importantly, I carved out quiet pockets of time alone to process my thoughts and adjust to my new normal.

This simple but effective strategy helped me reconcile and embrace the woman I had become, shedding the masks I had donned over the years. In these moments of solitude, I found the clarity I had been craving.

As I peeled back the layers of constant busyness, I began to see things with a new perspective. I realized that many of my worries were unnecessary distractions. This introspective pause allowed me to reconnect with the core goals and values that had first inspired me. I reanalyzed my business strategy, focusing on truly mission-critical initiatives. On a personal level, I evaluated my relationships, self-care habits, and overall well-being.

This internal work was humbling but empowering. I learned that true success isn’t about accolades or material gains. Instead, it’s about finding inner peace and fulfillment. By prioritizing self-care and making time to restore myself, I found the balance I needed. My professional ambitions and personal well-being became inextricably linked.

Now, I’m driven to share this wisdom with other female entrepreneurs. Success is not about grinding yourself into the ground but about cultivating resilience and inner resources to weather the storms. It’s about giving yourself permission to rest, recharge, and reconnect with your passions.

The road ahead may still have its challenges, but I now face them with renewed energy and purpose. By weaving self-care into my daily life, I’ve unlocked fulfillment that goes beyond any business triumph. I hope my story can inspire others to do the same.

Re-reported from the article originally posted in INC.