Women entrepreneurs challenge, redefine, empower

Image credit: Msn.com

Gender bias in the workplace is pervasive, and the entrepreneurial world is no exception. Women often face greater scrutiny than men, who seem to naturally fit the mold of successful entrepreneurs. However, the rise of women entrepreneurs is challenging these stereotypes, proving that success can take many forms. Despite daily obstacles, women can overcome stereotypes and empower others.

Overcoming Stereotypes

1. Lack of Business Acumen The stereotype that men possess more business sense than women is outdated. Modern women can excel in both domestic and business roles. Skills such as attention to detail, organization, and time management, often honed through managing a household, are crucial in running a successful business. Women can create their unique path, balancing work and family life effectively. This balance often drives better organization and operational efficiency, leading to streamlined and profitable businesses.

2. Less Competitive and Action-Oriented Women are often seen as less competitive and decisive. However, they tend to make thoughtful decisions, avoiding setbacks. The “good ol’ boys” network emphasizes connections over capabilities, but women thrive on community and sharing opportunities. A lack of competitive behavior should not be mistaken for a lack of ambition. By expanding their networks and collaborating, women can find purpose and open new doors.

3. Self-Limiting Behavior While men often overinflate their abilities, women tend to undervalue theirs. This isn’t self-limiting behavior but a reflection of systemic inequalities. The national pay gap shows women earn only 83.7% of what men earn. To overcome this, women need equal rights and opportunities. Recognizing and valuing women’s contributions is essential to breaking this stereotype.

Empowering Others

Women can leverage their “soft skills” to drive business success and shatter stereotypes by:

1. Listening and Empathizing Listening builds strong relationships and ensures that services and products meet audience needs. Feedback is crucial for improvement and innovation.

2. Providing Mentorship Female leaders can offer mentorship, sharing lessons learned to ease the path for others. This camaraderie fosters success and encourages a cycle of mentorship.

3. Sharing Success Stories Highlighting the achievements of women helps motivate and inspire others. Celebrating accomplishments encourages perseverance and growth.

Women entrepreneurs can redefine success, empower others, and create a supportive community that challenges stereotypes and fosters growth.

Re-reported from the article originally published in msn.com