Beyond Scripts: The Journey to Authentic Conscious Parenting

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#Yvonne Smyth, a conscious parenting coach, writer, poet, and speaker, is dedicated to transforming the world through mindful child-rearing practices. As the creator of a Conscious Parenting Course and Community, Smyth’s work is fueled by love and a deep belief in the power of kindness. In her LinkedIn post, Smyth shares a pivotal moment that reshaped her approach to parenting

I hate when you do that,” Smyth’s 7-year-old son told her one night. This honest remark exposed the disconnect between her words and feelings, revealing the limitations of scripted “gentle parenting” techniques.

Smyth realized that well-intentioned parenting scripts can make parents sound inauthentic. “The problem with them is that you end up sounding like an actor to your kid,” she explains. “Which is really confusing and can erode your child’s trust in you.”

From a SheSight perspective, Smyth’s experience highlights the challenges women face in balancing societal expectations of “perfect motherhood” with genuine, instinctual parenting. Her journey reflects the struggle many mothers encounter when aligning popular advice with their innate wisdom.

Smyth advocates for an intuitive approach that honors both the mother’s and child’s emotional realities. “The real work is on ourselves,” she states, emphasizing the need for internal transformation to break free from restrictive parenting norms.

This paradigm shift represents a reclamation of maternal instinct. Smyth describes it as “a re-orienting towards the innate worth of every human being. A recalibration towards honouring our own and our children’s divinity.” It’s about recognizing children’s right to be cherished and respected while honoring the mother’s inherent knowledge.

Smyth’s approach moves from behavior policing to unconditional support. “It’s also, more simply, a shift away from being on behaviour patrol to being in our child’s corner,” she writes. This aligns with a nurturing, feminine approach that prioritizes emotional connection over rigid discipline.

Her post resonated with many parents, especially mothers feeling pressured to conform to certain parenting styles. One reader commented that they’re “still learning every day,” highlighting that conscious parenting is a continual journey of growth.

Through her work, Smyth empowers parents to trust their instincts and develop authentic parenting styles. She encourages moving beyond scripts to foster genuine, respectful relationships with children.

SheSight invites all parents to contribute to a more compassionate world that values maternal wisdom and children’s emotional intelligence equally.

Bidisha Ghosh, Staff Reporter