Kyra’s Jungle Jaunt: A Descent into Darkness

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Kyra’s mom and dad were always trying to get her to spend quality time with them, but Kyra was more interested in her phone than in family bonding. So, when they suggested a jungle trek, Kyra was less than thrilled.

“Can’t we just go to the mall instead?” Kyra asked, rolling her eyes.

“No, dear, we want to get some fresh air and exercise,” her mom said, smiling cheerfully.

Kyra sighed and reluctantly agreed to go along. As they trekked deeper into the jungle, Kyra’s parents chattered excitedly about the birds and trees, while Kyra lagged behind, eyes fixed on her phone.

But when they stopped to take a break, Kyra realized she was lost. Her parents were nowhere in sight, and the jungle seemed to have swallowed them whole.

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“Mom! Dad!” Kyra yelled, panic rising in her chest.

Only the birds replied.

Kyra started to run, but the dense foliage made it hard to see. She stumbled and tripped, skinning her knee on a rock.

As night began to fall, Kyra curled up under a tree, shivering with fear. Suddenly, she heard rustling in the bushes.

“Mom? Dad?” Kyra called out, hoping against hope.


But instead of her parents, a creepy crawly emerged from the underbrush. Kyra shrieked and scrambled up the tree.

As she perched on a branch, Kyra saw her parents walking towards her, flashlights in hand.

“Kyra, what are you doing up there?” her mom asked, laughing.

Kyra glared down at them. “You guys got lost, and I had to climb a tree to escape a spider!”

Her dad chuckled. “Well, at least you’re getting some exercise.”

Kyra rolled her eyes. “This is not funny, Dad.”

But as they made their way back down the mountain, Kyra realized that maybe, just maybe, this jungle jaunt hadn’t been so bad after all. She had survived getting lost and even seen some cool birds.

And hey, at least she had a good story to tell.

Anamika Chakravorty, Staff Reporter.