Budget Proposals Spark Price Hike: Women Bear the Brunt of Rising Commodity Prices

Image Source: Public TV English

The recent hike in prices of several commodities in India has caused a lot of concern among women who are the primary caregivers and budget managers in most households. The prices of commodities like cooking oil, pulses, and spices have gone up after the Union Budget proposals came into effect on April 1.

For women who are already struggling to make ends meet, this price hike has come as a blow. Many families are dependent on a single income, and any increase in prices can severely impact their monthly budgets. The rise in prices of essential commodities will lead to a rise in the cost of living, making it difficult for women to manage their household expenses.

Cooking oil is an essential commodity that is used in every household. The price of cooking oil has gone up by almost 20% in some regions. This has led to a significant increase in the cost of preparing meals. Women are now forced to choose between compromising on the quality of food they prepare or spending more money on cooking oil.

The prices of pulses and spices have also increased, making it difficult for women to prepare nutritious meals for their families. The rising cost of these commodities has led to a rise in the overall cost of food, which will impact the health and well-being of families.

In addition to the rise in food prices, the cost of healthcare has also increased. This is particularly concerning for women who are responsible for the health and well-being of their families. With the rise in healthcare costs, women may have to compromise on medical treatment for themselves or their family members.

Staff Reporter