Deloitte Report: Non-Inclusive Behaviors Improve for Indian Women at Work

According to Deloitte’s Women @ Work report, women in India experienced fewer non-inclusive behaviors in 2023 as compared to 2022. The report states that the instance fell by almost 10 percentage points to 48%. However, when women did experience non-inclusive behavior, reporting of microaggressions more than doubled. Being interrupted or talked over during meetings was the most
commonly reported non-inclusive behavior, and many women even felt excluded from meetings, decisions, and informal interactions.
The report also found that women reported better hybrid working experiences than last year, but a lack of predictability, flexibility, and clarity around their employer’s expectations compared to last year. Nearly 36% of women respondents stated that they were expected to go into their workplace despite messaging about flexibility and it is their choice.
Unfortunately, the report found that the share of Indian women having to shoulder the primary responsibility for childcare, cleaning, and other domestic tasks observed an increase (59% and 48% resp. in India vs. 46% and 42% globally).
The share of households where the load of childcare is equally split is much higher globally (34%) than in India (15%).
The report stated that even amongst women who are primary or equal breadwinners in the household, 40% (the single largest section) are still primary caregivers for children, and 35% are still responsible for cleaning and other domestic tasks.
–Re-reported from the story originally published in.