Unlocking the Mind-Body Connection: Insights from a Psychosomatic Illness Therapist
Diana Dentinger has carved out a niche for herself -after having created a personality profile and “21st Century” coaching methodology based on her experience as a psychosomatic illness therapist. She now uses her tools as a successful life coach, trainer, motivational speaker, mentor, and corporate trainer. Her service is a boon to those who want to come out, breaking the soporific, ho-hum life pattern to enjoy a more vibrant and motivated life. She has worked with many high-level, multi-millionaire entrepreneurs who have concretized their dreams in less time with less stress. Her mission is to make ‘Coaching mainstream offering ‘ and more effective tools at prices most can afford. She believes a change in the world will come about sooner when each person steps rapidly, into their fuller potential.
Now more than ever she extends her hands to those who feel stuck in life, those who feel incomplete, fed up, aimless, meaningless, purposeless, and caged in at the verge of ‘cannot take it anymore’. Diana hears these “cries” from people of all ages and every socioeconomic category. Everyone has an inner self craving for a more energetic, enthusiastic, and purpose-driven life. Diana is known for her services to those who feel an impending need for greater inner satisfaction and for those who go through existential worries that sprout from a call to evolve. She is also known for her books that include her studies, experience, and insights. There are hundreds of people worldwide who found their true calling by going through the ‘Your Life Your Way Coaching’ Methodology, thus realizing their inherent talents and turning their life into a beautiful and fruitful sojourn. In the past, she was more involved in the corporate environment building teams by using the personality profile for each individual’s personal and professional development.
How does she motivate others and make them find their true self and make them get aligned to it? Diana touches the brain, body, and soul of everyone — that is — to satisfy their innermost need — the one at the top most of Maslow’s pyramid. Eager to know her proprietary process, Shesight curiously reached out to her and she responded with vivid and eloquent answers.
There are many methods for personality discovery. The oldest is based on four fundamental personality types and the latest is that of the Enneagram. In between there are plenty like Rorschach and Jung’s Archetypes to name a few. But you are renowned for personality analysis based on neuroscience as you are a neurobiology therapist. We are eager to know what this neuroscience-based personality discovery is.
First, let me help you become clear on what the old systems are about. They are called Psychometric tests and are mostly used in a job selection process to define the most suitable professional role based on the test results. The DISC test started being used in the selection of male soldiers in WWII and the Myers-Briggs test was used for the selection of women for factory jobs also at the same time. How a person gets their results is by answering multiple choice questions about what they would do in different situations or to a range of strongly disagree to strongly agree. The test takes about 15 minutes to fill out. Then algorithms elaborate a readout that describes a person’s predictable way of thinking and behaving. The limitation of these is the black-and-white categorization of you being a type or other.
On the internet, they call them scientific but the only science involved is psychology coming from the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung’s research in archetypes back in the 1920s. If a person were to retake the psychometric test over time, there is a high percentage of unreliability, that is the same person providing different results. Overall, they are good first baby steps into self-knowing but the science community states they lack being reliable, valid, independent, and comprehensive. It is just because they are still used by various governments and Fortune 500 companies, they have been and are still “popular”. People use what they know until they come to know something different. The main differences are as follows:- The Your Life Your Way Profile is based on who you are in your DNA. The science is — that at conception you inherit emotional memory which resides also in your brain and every cell of your body. This memory determines how you automatically respond to stress from your middle brain as well as how you fulfill your innate talents, and information in your frontal cortex. This tool was created by reverse engineering the root causes of psychosomatic illnesses shifting it into a way to stay healthy and fulfilled.
The Profile describes your set of innate Personality Needs that drive your behavior. They are the life force energy inside you. The descriptions move you emotionally and subtly, “reconnect” you instantly to your innate potential. How you get your Profile by filling out an open-ended questionnaire. You describe yourself and we organize that information so you know what personality needs you have and to which of the 12 different facets of complete personality you belong. So we have overcome the limitation of categorizing you into black and white and demarcating you being either one or another type. Personality is a complex aspect and we turn that into a very simple process. As well as the Profile helps you to be you, not just a fake. And who you are never, changes, nor does the Profile. What changes is whether you are consciously expressing yourself in your greater potential or not.
You always encourage one to be oneself “because you know you are so much more”. What are the techniques that you employ to find the truer self?
Yes, I often say this phrase “You are so much more”. From a Personality perspective, you are more than one type because there are many facets of personality. From my research and experience, I integrate tools so you feel how you co-exist as a physical being with emotional, mental, and spiritual energy.
Helping people to realise their potential is of course a service to humanity too. But for many, this happens much later in life, mostly around the forties. Is the catch them young policy applicable here, in this aspect?
Our basic human needs change because of the innate development of physiological and psychological stages. This is the research of Jean Piaget back in the 1930s in Switzerland and I find it relevant even in this time. From 21 to 35 years old, a person’s body and mental process are focused on finding their place in society, companionship, and building a family. The phases change at every interval of 7 years Later they tend to go less outwards and more inwards —— that is to find out the existential answers. This is accentuated in the cycle from 42 to 49 commonly called mid-life crisis.
The important thing to realize is that if you get the depth of inner knowing earlier about your potential, then you don’t have to enter into a crisis. You express this potential earlier allowing you to make better, more meaningful decisions for your life path. We know this since we work with teenage clients too.
What is setting the three pillars – Clarity, Confidence, and Energy in place? How can we create more energy within us?
We live in a very mental world so clarity of knowing is important. When you intellectually know, recognize, and identify yourself as having an innate talent you feel more confident. Having clarity is key and precedes confidence. You are sure of your self and so the question of a not focused unsteady mind won’t arise. The other coaching programs do not take into account the emotional aspect as by default we are emotional beings — because we inherit emotional memory in our DNA. So what recharges our energy is living the aspects of who we are because we have a clear vision of what we are. As well as there is an alignment of quantum light energy that enters our cells when we are truly ourselves.
Your way is an antidote for depression and anxiety disorders and I think it may give a direction for those who are hit with existential anxiety too. How do you see this?
Depression is an experience that takes place emotionally, mentally, physiologically, and behaviorally. It means you have a “lower level of pressure” inside of you as a push to evolve and live your potential. Every living creature has this innate urge. The way out of this state is to raise your level of clarity. This sets off the natural sequence of having more confidence, positive self-talk, resourcefulness, and finally physiological energy.
As different from other methods, the method that you adopt has a blend of practicality and spirituality. What is the spiritual content contained in your method?
From my perspective, we are spiritual beings here on earth to have a human experience. So this means that our experience is 3 dimensional and very practical. When we consistently “do” who we are, our energy vibrates on the 4th dimension or above because it is filled with joy and self-love. The beginning is to know who you are and be who you are in a tangible way to create that higher energy vibration —– which, in my experience, is how the soul can more clearly “speak” to you —- to indicate how to express yourself in a greater way.
The outdated old-school methods and the ones that you employ are so different – like moral science and mathematics. Are you seeing further development and scope in this arena?
Yes, I feel the younger generations will be searching for existential answers sooner because they are more socially aware and want to positively impact things like climate change. They know they have the “answers inside”, but since parents and teachers are not always prepared to “teach” them how to find these answers, they need a tool to believe deeply in themselves. I also feel that because the area of career and job area is changing so rapidly and unexpectedly, people of all ages will be searching for how to bounce back and become resourceful no matter what.
Many are dragging through their dreary jobs and not daring to listen to their true calling to meet their true self, as there is no other option than to pay the bills and rent. What is your remedy for this predicament?
I feel many mainstream words used in Personal Development are overrated. We don’t all have to do something “great” or follow a calling. We just need to be our best selves more often and this will contribute to the greater good. For me, much of the mainstream “hype” has inadvertently caused a lot of dissatisfaction. People are more confused than ever, asking themselves the wrong questions and comparing themselves to the people around them or people on the internet. When people consciously know themselves and their complete set of innate talents, they naturally feel resourceful and as an effect will be able to make money. But many people are doing their jobs unconsciously. They don’t know what they are investing personally into doing it. So they can’t generate internal motivation to make it fulfilling. They only look for the external motivation of the paycheck. They look for a role, instead of finding who they are. I also see there is too much judgment on what “living your potential” looks like. For years I was a stay-at-home mom and it was seen as “bad” because I did not want to work out of home. But I felt in that phase of my life, my potential was the best use to be with my children, transmit to them my family values, and teach them things that the schools would not. We can take many examples of jobs, how about something humble like a street cleaner? Maybe they have a “calling” to make the world beautiful and do so by sweeping and picking up other people’s trash. Who are we to judge what is right or fulfilling for them? We are all here for a reason. And we can understand that more when we turn all the noise off from the outside that instructs us how to be and what to do. We have the answers inside so we need to connect deeply into what we feel is the best for us. I have seen that the Personality Profile helps people tap into their inner knowing faster and more effectively.
The dissatisfaction and displeasure towards life seem to be increasing and some people end up distracting themselves with entertainment, falling into addictions like drugs, or ending up being sadists or psychopaths. Had they been aware of such alternatives like the one you teach, they would not have fallen into these. How can we deal with this?
I feel that suffering, unfortunately, is a great teacher. Often we don’t know how to stand in our greatness until we fall flat on our bottom. We are not ready to rise to the fullness of who we are until we get tired of being so small. From my spiritual perspective, the soul came here on earth to experience dualism. This means that throughout our lifetime we might live the full range of emotions from feeling impotent and powerless to feeling immensely empowered and creative. Look at the range of emotions we live in contrasting experiences like death and birth. We go from heart-wrenching sorrow to elated joy. This is what being a human is! I propose to feel the emotions without “being the emotions”. You can feel them but you still feel resourceful and connected to your purpose in life.
This is easier when you step away from judging your feelings and behaviors or fixating on them as if they were permanent and unchanging. With my clients, I help them make peace with their “bad side” and accept that it exists. And since they have their Profile, they know their “good side”, can feel the difference in their heart and happily make conscious choices to be that way instead. Often we can’t get out of the “bad” patterns because we don’t know how else to be. And the only way to be is “be yourself”, striving lovingly, day by day to be better, throughout all the challenges that life may offer you.
I have a free course when you are ready to commit to your personal and professional growth. It is called “Fast Track to Bounce Back”.
You can find out more information here: https://www.yourlifeyourwayacademy.com/course ?courseid=bounce-back-best-free-offer
Thank you Diana for your exclusive interview for Shesight!
We hosted a webinar led by Diana on our YouTube channel, Prayaanalabs in April. Do watch it.