G20 Declaration on Gender Equality Aligns with Saudi 2030 Vision, Says W20 Head

Dr. Miznah Alomair, the leader of the Saudi delegation for the W20 engagement group, emphasized that the gender equality-related paragraph within the G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration is in harmony with Saudi Arabia’s 2030 Vision, which sets specific goals for gender inclusion and empowerment. The W20 is the official G20 engagement group dedicated to gender equity, striving to ensure that gender considerations are integrated into G20 discussions and translated into policies and commitments supporting gender equality and women’s economic empowerment.
The G20 declaration highlights various key aspects, including enhancing women’s economic and social empowerment, narrowing the gender digital divide, promoting gender-inclusive climate action, ensuring women’s food security, nutrition, and well-being, and establishing a Working Group on the Empowerment of Women.
Dr. Alomair pointed out that Saudi Arabia has prioritized women’s inclusion since its G20 presidency in 2020, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Thoraya Obaid, the W20 Chair, stressed the pivotal role of women in pandemic response and the importance of their inclusion in national and global preparedness and response policies.
Saudi Arabia has witnessed significant reforms since 2018 to empower women, including changes in laws and regulations, such as granting women the right to drive and protection under anti-harassment laws. These reforms have significantly enhanced women’s economic and social empowerment.
Dr. Alomair acknowledged ongoing challenges in the journey to transform the nation but emphasized the Saudi government’s commitment to the 2030 Vision, which includes specific targets for women’s inclusion and empowerment. She also highlighted the increasing participation of women in leadership roles within the Saudi government, further contributing to the achievement of the 2030 Vision’s goals.
Re-reported from the article originally published in The Indian Express