Israeli Women Politicians’ Struggle Against Patriarchy Exposed in ‘The Elected’ Documentary Series

Image Courtesy: The Haaretz

In the eye-opening Israeli documentary series ‘The Elected,’ viewers gain a profound insight into the persistent challenges faced by women politicians. These issues, including condescension, bullying, and sexual harassment, transcend political ideologies and afflict even hard-nosed right-wing figures like Miri Regev, who often distance themselves from feminism.

‘The Elected’ sheds light on the relentless battle these women wage against a deeply ingrained patriarchy within the political landscape. Regardless of their political leanings, they encounter disparaging attitudes and hostility, revealing a pervasive and troubling pattern of gender-based discrimination.

Miri Regev, a prominent right-wing politician, serves as a poignant example of how the patriarchal mindset permeates all levels of politics in Israel. Even those who may not openly identify with feminism find themselves contending with the systemic biases that hinder their progress.

This groundbreaking documentary series serves as a powerful call to action, highlighting the urgent need for change within the political arena. It underscores the importance of addressing sexism and discrimination head-on, providing a platform for women politicians to share their experiences and advocate for a more equitable and inclusive political landscape in Israel. ‘The Elected’ invites viewers to confront uncomfortable truths and engage in meaningful dialogue about the path towards gender equality in politics.

Re-reported from the article originally published in The Haaretz

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