
We have labelled meditation with religion and superstitions, but there is nothing superstitious about meditation. It is a normal body state like arousal or sleep. Meditation is a great healer for your body that helps you get the most out of your life by providing relaxation, energy and perspective. Now, health researchers have shown that regular meditation helps in stress reduction and improves overall health.

How to Meditate for Good Health

Meditation is the ultimate brain workout used by people to address conditions such as anxiety, pain, depression, emotional problems, insomnia, and stress.

Here is step-by-step guidance for beginning your meditation journey.

1) Sit down

Find a comfortable place to sit where you won’t be interrupted for around 20 minutes. Now try to sit with your back straight. Many people find that sitting on the edge of a cushion helps to keep the back straight. Once you sit comfortably and have started practising meditation often, you can add accessories whenever you want.

2) Set a Timer

It is very easy to get distracted when you start your meditation journey. One of the most profoundly used excuses is to get up to check the time. During meditation, you lost a sense of time and it feels as if you have gone past the time you sit for meditation. 

So, to help you meditate properly without getting distracted, set a timer and just forget about time while you meditate.

3) Bring all the awareness to your Breathe

Breathing is a unique bodily function. Breathing is a way of communicating with the body. Taking slow breaths helps the body to relax. Meditation is all about breathing. “Be aware of your breath”. 

Your mind will wander off some time, just bring it back to the breathing and notice everything about your breath. How you inhale, which changes occur in the body when you inhale. How you exhale and what it does to your body. Also, pay attention to the tiny pauses in between inhale and exhale. 

But don’t get harsh on yourself. Breathe naturally! Just pay attention to your natural rhythm of breathing.

4) Don’t Judge

You won’t get perfect in meditation overnight. It is hard and takes a lot of practice. Your thoughts will drift away, sometime you won’t be able to focus at all. That is fine.

Whenever you drift, try to come back and bring all your awareness to your breath again. Do not judge yourself and think you can’t meditate. Just come back to your breath.

5) Ignore the Voices in Your Head

When you sit down to meditate, there is a little voice inside your head that will try hard to get you to stop meditating. It will bring up “great ideas” that you can do. It will ask you to check your phone or your to-do list, making you feel pressured. And it will try to convince you that the timer has stopped and you should get up.

Don’t listen to that voice. When you meditate, there nothing more important than that at that moment. So just sit and focus!

Meditation needs a lot of practice. Set a daily routine/ time for meditation and stick to it. Your brain, as well as your body, will benefit from the endlessly fascinating journey into your mind that will give you deep relaxation and stress reduction.​

Written By

Miss Tanisha
Masters in Political Science

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