How Women Entrepreneurs are Using Podcasts to Build Thriving Businesses


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For most people, podcasts are for mere entertainment—it’s what they listen to on their morning run, during their yoga class, or on their way to work. But for women entrepreneurs, they’re so much more—they’re powerful tools that can be used to connect with customers, build their credibility, and ultimately, grow their businesses.

Wondering how you can use podcasts to make your mark in your industry? Gear up, girl bosses! In this post, we’ll delve deeper into why podcasts are becoming such an indispensable tool for women-owned businesses. 

Podcasting allows you to grow your customer base

Experts say that the number of podcast listeners will grow to a whopping 504.9 million by 2024—that’s a lot of ears! This makes podcasts a prime way to expand your customer base and connect with customers and clients from around the globe. 

Plus, consider this—if you were to create solely written content, you’d miss out on a chunk of potential customers who prefer audio content. Podcasting allows you to tap into an audience that wants the convenience of listening to what you have to say while they commute, clean, and get on with their day. 

Podcasting is a great way to keep your audience engaged

One of the things that set podcasts apart from other media is that they’re a more engaging way of connecting with clients. When customers tune in, they’ll be able to listen to your voice, get to know your true self, and feel like they’re having a one-on-one conversation with a good friend! As a result, they’ll feel more connected with you and your brand, allowing you to build a loyal customer base.

Podcasting is a cost-effective strategy

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Podcasting is so easy to do. It’s a cost-effective audio content strategy that anyone can carry out, whether they run a home-based business or have an office in downtown Manhattan. Platforms such as Spotify allow you to post your podcast for free, and all you’ll need to produce it is a mic and editing software, and you’re good to go! 

Podcasting shows you as an expert in your industry

In today’s extremely competitive market, it’s crucial to showcase your expertise in any way you can. When customers and clients view you as an authority in your industry, they’re more likely to stick around and choose you over your competitors. Think about it—wouldn’t you want to do business with a brand that knows what it’s doing? 

For example, if you’re starting a beauty salon business, why not take a page from The Thriving Stylist’s book and start a podcast showcasing your expertise on salon ownership and beauty? By showing that you know your stuff, you’ll be able to build a strong reputation for your brand. Customers will be flocking to you because you’ve earned their trust with your credibility. 

Podcasting lets you repurpose content

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If you have a podcast that’s performing well, why not repurpose it by transforming it into a blog post? This allows you to save time in the content creation process since you already know what topics your customers are interested in. The best part? By posting on your website more frequently, you’ll be able to attract more traffic, and in turn, boost your SEO rankings! 

Take the Pioneering Today podcast, for example. They often produce podcasts on homegrown gardening, and then work off of the main points of those podcasts to write multiple articles for their site. It’s a smart move that allows them to cater to two kinds of customers (the ones who’d rather read and the ones who’d rather listen) and make the most out of their content.

It’s time to add podcasting to your marketing plan

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Whether you’ve been in business for years or you’re still starting out, why not give podcasting a try? Podcasting may be easy do to, but don’t underestimate it—it’s a very powerful tool you can use to your business’s advantage. With a bit of effort, you can create content that your customers will connect with and see your business thrive in no time!  

If you ever need to feel inspired by amazing women entrepreneurs from around the globe, be sure to grab a copy of the She Sight e-magazine. It’s packed with strategies that you can use to grow your own business, as well as uplifting stories of women who are showing the world what we ladies are capable of!

Author Katie Pierce is a teacher-slash-writer who loves telling stories to an audience, whether it’s bored adults in front of a computer screen or a bunch of hyperactive 4-year-olds. Writing about various topics, from education to fashion, keeps her sane (most of the time) and allows her to enjoy some quiet time in the evening.

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