India Urges Global Condemnation of Pakistan’s Weaponized Drone Deliveries

Image Credit: Daily Hunt

India has strongly condemned Pakistan’s use of drones to deliver weapons to terrorists operating in India. In a statement released by the Indian government, they called for global condemnation of Pakistan’s actions, citing the danger it poses to regional security.

The Indian government’s statement came after a recent incident where a drone carrying weapons and ammunition was intercepted by the Indian Army in Jammu and Kashmir. The drone was believed to be of Pakistani origin and was intended to supply weapons to terrorist groups operating in the region.

New Delhi has called for international condemnation of Pakistan sending weapons across the international border to terrorists operating in India.

“We are facing a serious challenge of cross-border supply of illicit weapons using drones, which cannot be possible without active support from the authorities in control of those territories,” India’s Permanent Representative Ruchira Kamboj told the Security Council on Monday.

“The quantum of these (terrorist) threats multiplies when certain states with dubious proliferation credentials, in view of their masked proliferation networks and deceptive procurement practices of sensitive goods and technologies, collude with terrorists and other non-state actors,” she said.

Again without naming Pakistan, she said: “For example, the rise in volume and the quality of the small arms acquired by terrorist organizations remind us time and again that they cannot exist without the sponsorship or support of states.

RE-reported from the story originally published in Daily Hunt