Is Technology Stealing Our Children’s Innocence?

Image credit: Copilot

I was in the third year of my engineering studies in 2008 when we presented on 4G technology. Researching the topic proved to be a tedious task, yet also fascinating as we observed cutting-edge mobile phones brimming with myriad options and capabilities. I could only imagine the convenience that such advancements would bring, marveling at the prospect of video calls.

Parenting in the Age of Gen Alpha

When my son was born, I harbored numerous thoughts on how I would raise him, aiming to instill the positive habits I had developed in my own upbringing. Yes, this is a distinct generation, and nurturing a Gen Alpha child does pose added challenges. While previous generations did not require constant monitoring of offspring at home, the current crop must be vigilantly supervised even within the household. The starkest example lies in our youth – when we were young, we would watch television, and our parents were aware of our viewing habits, closely
monitoring that activity. Now, when my son joins his cousins and friends in using a smartphone, I have no real knowledge of their digital consumption. It could be anything! That prospect is genuinely unsettling.

A recent incident exemplifies this concern – my niece was uploading elaborate content on a social media platform, and all were effusive in their praise of her technological mastery. She subsequently taught my son the same techniques, and he grasped them within minutes, utilizing the screen-sharing feature. ‘How impressive, their knowledge knows no bounds,’ exclaimed the onlookers. Just a few days later, my niece shared an image in which her facial features were present, yet the body and hair belonged to someone else! Shocked? My son then explained that this capability exists within a certain application, and it is deemed “cool” as we can now aesthetically transform ourselves into handsome or beautiful alternate avatars. The underlying issue is that they remain dissatisfied with their natural appearances, yearning to emulate other individuals.

Balancing the Good and Bad of Technology

In an era where innocence should be sacrosanct, and a child’s experiences and circumstances are meant to be nurtured, technology appears to be corrupting them in the absence of proper oversight.

A mobile phone opens the world to our children, providing unprecedented access and opportunity. However, the extent of this exposure must be carefully limited, as it poses significant challenges. It is a tremendous responsibility for us as parents to strike the right balance, enabling our children to harness technology’s benefits while shielding them from its perils. This undertaking encompasses everything from cultivating their personality to supporting their academics to guiding their behavior. The ultimate goal is to raise emotionally healthy, well-rounded adults
who can navigate the complexities of the modern world.

Open Communication and Healthy Habits

While the proliferation of mobile devices and social media presents risks, such as the concerning body image issues discussed earlier, these tools also offer invaluable educational and social advantages. By proactively monitoring and moderating our children’s digital activities, we can help them develop essential digital literacy and critical thinking skills. This balanced approach empowers them to engage productively with technology rather than falling victim to its pitfalls.

The key lies in open communication, setting clear boundaries, and modeling healthy technology habits. By remaining actively involved in our children’s lives, both online and offline, we can ensure they derive the maximum benefit from the digital realm while maintaining their innocence and emotional well-being. It is a
delicate balance, but one that is vital to cultivating thriving, well-adjusted individuals who can positively contribute to the world around them.

-Monika Lokhanday is an avid reader, a sports enthusiast, and a doting mother.