Mom-lawyer won’t sign liability waivers for kids
When you’re off to a trampoline park or an indoor playground for a birthday bash with the little ones, you’re usually handed a waiver to sign before entry. This waiver essentially relinquishes the right to sue in case of severe injury or worse, death.
Many of us, myself included, have filled out these forms without much thought, assuming everything will be alright. But one mom, who’s also a personal injury attorney, advises against signing any liability waivers to safeguard yourself and your children.
Shannon Schott, the mom and attorney, shares her perspective in a viral video. She refuses to waive her child’s rights regarding liability, especially in the case of serious injury or death during certain activities.
Discussing the issue with fellow parents who believed signing waivers was inevitable, Schott decided to shed light on her approach to avoiding such forms.
Firstly, if the staff isn’t paying attention, she simply declines to sign. If told to sign a waiver online, she politely declines, knowing that often no one follows up. For her, it’s about being prudent and protecting her child’s rights.
Schott clarifies that her refusal to sign doesn’t mean she’s scheming for lawsuits. She’s just ensuring her child’s rights aren’t compromised.
Re-reported the article originally published in Scary mommy