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The zodiac sign in which the Moon was at the time of a person’s birth, is the same Moon sign. If your Dasha and Antardasha (Ruling planet’s Period) are auspicious, then it will become more auspicious for you. If the Dasha-Antardasha is of an inauspicious planet, then there will be a slight reduction in the auspicious effects. If you do not know the Moon sign, kindly read the horoscope with your name’s first alphabet.

ARIES: Aries (Ch, Che, Cho, La, Li, Le, Lo, and A)        

Planetary conditions aren’t favorable for the work front; stay vigilant. Expect some financial and resource enhancements. Avoid lending money. Watch your speech’s impact on relationships during the first half of the month; the second half brings cooperation. Prioritize health and maintain stable thoughts. Consider spending time in the cardinal west direction.

TAURUS : (Ei, U, O, Li, Vi, Ve, Va and Vo)

The month presents unexpected workplace problems that may impact work progress. Efforts to keep up with competitors may be required. There will be a flow of money, but expenditures will also be proportional. Maintain patience and avoid panic. Pressure to prioritize and work accordingly will be felt. The time is unsupportive for your love life, so be cautious when making important decisions in this area. Health will be fine.

GEMINI : (K, Ki, Kee, Gh, Ch, Ke, KO).

Despite your best efforts, the outcomes may not align with your expectations. It is important to maintain patience and counter any negative thoughts that arise. The planets indicate the need for substantial effort. Unexpected assistance will bring great relief. Financial prospects for this month may fall short of your expectations, making saving money challenging. However, there could be some positive changes that bring a sense of relaxation. Prioritize your health this month and do not ignore any health-related symptoms that may arise.

CANCER : (He, Hu, He, Ho, Da, De, Dee, Do).

Your professional life requires increased efforts this month, as there will be significant competition around you. Financial matters will be manageable and under your control. Although unexpected expenses may cause some tension, you will be able to handle them. The time is favorable and supports your personal life. Despite pressures from other aspects of your life, you will manage to carve out special time for yourself. You may plan to improve your fitness and actively work towards that goal. Ensure adequate intake of water.

LEO (M, Me, Mi, Ma, Mo, T, Ti, Tee, Ta)

The planetary position is promising, offering numerous opportunities throughout the month. It is crucial to plan effectively to make the most of these opportunities. It is important to complete current tasks before taking on new ones. There will be a flow of money, but expenditures may disrupt your pre-established plans. However, there will be a gradual improvement, so there’s no need to worry. Transparency is vital in love, and you should strive to maintain it. Digestive system issues may arise, so focus on consuming homemade food and avoid junk food.

VIRGO  : (To, P, Pe, Pi, Th, Pe, Pee, Po).

Try to seek support from those around you and delegate tasks to them as well. With your confidence, you will be able to handle most things, but be cautious not to become overconfident. This month is not favorable for new beginnings. If you are employed, exercise caution when interacting with your superiors. Financial stress may be felt, but you will be capable of managing things. Property-related matters may come to the forefront. It is a positive month for your personal life. You may enjoy quality time with loved ones, but be aware of any conflicting thoughts in your mind. Avoid excess and maintain discipline, particularly when it comes to your exercise routine.

LIBRA : (R, Ri, Ro, Ho, Ta, Ti, Tu, Ta).

The month holds a significant appreciation for you, as an honor from your higher officials is likely to boost your confidence. The financial aspect will also bring satisfaction. Both personal and professional relationships require special care to maintain. Misunderstandings may arise and jeopardize your relationships. Health may be affected by acidity issues. Restlessness, similar to the previous month, may persist. Meditation can be a helpful tool to address this.

SCORPIO:(To, N, Ne, Ni, No, Ya, Yee, Yu)

This month carries some stress that may impact the level of cooperation with your co-workers. It is advisable to work on improving your working style. Finances require attention and careful investment planning. You will be the one responsible for making compromises to resolve any differences of opinion concerning family and friends. Health, whether your own or your spouse’s, should not be overlooked. Exercise caution while driving, ensuring you maintain an appropriate speed for your vehicle.

SAGITTARIUS : (Ya, Yo, B, Bhi, Bhee, Bhu, Dha, Fa/Pha, Dha)

This month will lead you toward a comfortable position. Your competitors and opponents may attempt to harm you in various ways, but your strategic steps will serve as the best defense and give you an advantage over them. Unexpected expenditures may cause feelings of depression or frustration. On the personal front, your partner may display aggression, so try to handle it with a light-hearted approach. Emotional well-being requires more attention than physical health this month. Take special care of it and monitor your mood swings.

CAPRICORN: (Bho, J, Ji/Jee, Khi/Khee, Khe, Kho, G, Gi/Gee)

There may be challenging situations to confront in your professional life. The resulting stress could lead to irritability in your behavior. Financial stress may also lead to conflicts with your loved ones. Your state of mind may feel confused, impacting your mental health, but the support of close relatives can bring relief. You will have the opportunity to spend time with your loved ones and friends, which will uplift your spirits. Physical health may not require significant attention, but it is crucial to maintain emotional stability and avoid restlessness in your thoughts.

AQUARIUS : (Gu, Gae, Go, Sa, Si, Su/ Sai, So, D).

You will have ample energy to focus on your work and experience a good level of success in the second half of the month. Your continuous past efforts will yield results. However, financially, the outcomes may not meet your expectations, affecting the balance between income and expenses. Due to being occupied at work, you may not have sufficient time to spend with your loved ones. Try to stay in touch with them through any available means. No major concerns are foreseen for your physical health this month, but emotionally, you may experience some issues that make you feel down. It is important to pay attention to any tendency to have long gaps between meals.  

PISCES : (Dee, Du, Th, Jh, Da, Dai, Cha, Chee).

You will receive support at the workplace, which will help alleviate previous pressures. This boost in confidence will improve the quality of your work. There is a likelihood of an increase in income, making you feel somewhat comfortable. Assurances for the return of any stuck money can be expected in the second half of the month. You may experience disappointment in a close relationship, as the expected support may not be received. Try not to dwell on it too much. The demanding schedule may impact your health, similar to last month, so make sure to take proper rest and pay attention to your dietary intake.

Dr. Suman Sachdev is an Astrologer and Vastu Consultant
