Ortal Butvia: From IDF Service to Culinary Dreams, Defying Down Syndrome

Image Credit: Lokmat Times

In a heartwarming story of determination, Ortal Butvia, a 22-year-old with Down’s syndrome, accomplished a remarkable feat. Her dream was to serve in the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), and on September 5, 2020, her dream came true. Three years later, in 2023, Ortal bid farewell to her military uniform, marking the end of her service, and set her sights on becoming a chef.

Ortal’s journey has been full of challenges. Born with a serious heart condition, she defied the odds. Her parents, Elitzur and Aviva Butvia believed in her and fought for her inclusion in regular schools.

From preschool to high school, Ortal was determined to learn alongside her peers. However, while her classmates awaited their military service, Ortal received an exemption due to her condition. But she wanted to be an IDF soldier, a dream she held onto since childhood.

Ortal’s opportunity came when she approached Special in Uniform, a program that helps people with disabilities join the IDF and Israeli society. After three years of training, Ortal worked in the kitchen at an IDF base, preparing food for soldiers.

Ortal’s mother, Aviva, is proud of her daughter’s journey. Ortal’s time in the army made her more independent and confident. Now, Ortal dreams of working in a kitchen and getting married. Her story is an inspiration to all.

Around 1,000 Special in Uniform soldiers serve in 45 IDF bases, representing diverse communities across Israel. Ortal’s family lives in Kiryat Arba, near Hebron, while she lives in Kiryat Malachi with others who have Down’s syndrome. JNF-USA Executive Director Celine Leeds praised Ortal’s achievements and wished her success in her future endeavors.

Re-reported from the article originally published in Lokmat Times English