“Raise Up With Resilience”

‘Get back from Setback…!’
Challenges in life are inevitable; out of blue, any moment could be transformed into a demanding one. Difficult times knock at the doors of life without any anticipation and that phase can be tedious and tormenting. People react differently to various stressors. Some get scandalized, some blaze in it, some react wildly, and few, still keep themselves at peace.
Getting back from the tumultuous times seem to be inconsolable and seamless. But the path of life extends ceaselessly, the reason why we are bound to complete the supremely chosen journey, rather peacefully. Therefore, it’s ineluctable that we should bounce back from the compression created by the challenges or trauma for leading a fruitful life. Resilience is the ability to bounce back to life or to recover swiftly from difficult situations.
Let’s discuss some ways with which we can get back to life by developing resilience…
1) The ‘GROW’ technique
2) Accept the situation
3) Meaning/purpose of life
4) Rely on abilities/skills/talents
5) Rear up oneself
6) Adopt Transformation
1) The ‘GROW’ technique
Practice the message suggested in the GROW technique. The GROW technique stands for; Give yourself some time to recover (G), Realize one’s strengths and qualities (R), Order your routine or resources (O), Work by setting timely goals (W).
2) Accept the situation
Whatever circumstance you were in, accept the situation, accept the struggle, accept the pain, accept that the severity of the situation will fade away in course of time.
3) Meaning/ Purpose of Life
After any traumatic event, realize that life is still lying ahead. Sometimes after an extremely painful event, it might feel that what is lying in front is just a barren world and space. But life can always begin anew. It’s in our hands to fill it with new experiences and happenings. Therefore, discover the purpose or a driving force that keeps it going. Find a meaning to the existing life process, and work on fulfilling the purpose that’s found for oneself.
4) Rely on the abilities/skills/talents
Our abilities, skills, potentials etc are the quite few things that would retain in us, no matter what ever fades off. The abilities, potentials etc when polished and furnished remain with us forever. Probably it is the only constant thing that stays with us incessantly. Therefore, use and explore the prevailing talents as you step back to life after a traumatic, challenging or strenuous event.
5) Rear up oneself
Nurture oneself in the walks of troubled pathways. Never let life stop, only because it has to bear a severe turbulence. Explore the new ways to grow up and develop oneself from the square one. Groom up physically and psychologically for a better tomorrow.
6) Adopt Transformation
Cultivate novelty, reconnect with the physical as well as social world around rather than secluding oneself from the other end of the world. Accept, acquire, bring and add something new to life such as acquiring new skills, traveling to unexplored places, getting in touch with old contacts or creating new social circles.
Get revived, replenished, and rejuvenated in the advent of challenges rather than stroking back into the doom of uncertainty that it offers. Life spreads out in itself into a huge boulevard from which new opportunities could be amassed, enthralling events could be cultivated and riveting moments could be recreated. Unclutter the panes of heart to re-invite the finest of moments awaiting the other share of life. Be resilient!
- Dr.Arathy.K.Nair, Consultant Counseling Psychologist, Certified Psychological Trainer-mentor, well-being, art and color therapy practitioner.