Survey Reveals Nearly Half of WhatsApp Users Plagued by International Spam Calls

Image Credit: News 18

A recent survey has shown that almost 50% of WhatsApp users are receiving spam calls, with the majority of these calls coming from international numbers. The survey was conducted by a cybersecurity firm and involved over 1,000 participants.

According to the results, 47% of the respondents reported receiving spam calls regularly, while only 12% said they had never received one. Of those who received spam calls, 87% said the calls came from international numbers, while the remaining 13% reported domestic calls.

The survey also revealed that many of these calls were scams. Around 60% of the respondents said that the callers claimed to be from a bank or other financial institution, while 25% said the calls were about winning a prize or lottery.

The increasing prevalence of spam calls on WhatsApp can be attributed to the platform’s popularity. With over 2 billion active users worldwide, it has become an attractive target for scammers looking to exploit vulnerabilities in the app’s security. Moreover, WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption makes it difficult for authorities to track down and prosecute these scammers.

To protect themselves from these types of calls, users are advised to avoid answering calls from unknown or international numbers. Additionally, they can also enable WhatsApp’s built-in security features, such as two-factor authentication and blocklist, to prevent unauthorized access to their accounts.

Re-reported from the story originally published in News 18