Feminine qualities like nurturing, empowering; kindness, intuitiveness, creativity, etc. When combined with confidence, power, courage, etc. make a human being more `human’. For this to happen, we need more role models of women /feminine leadership and thankfully COVID brought out blatant differences of victory over the pandemic in regions/countries led by women. Well, if we look at this closely, we realize that the innately feminine qualities of women — collaboration, nurturing, and even probably the lower self-esteem leading to over-reliance on experts rather than the brash arrogance of ‘I know it all attitude have probably helped in the management of the pandemic effectively.

This has validated the relevance and importance of not just improving the number of women in leadership but also the importance of feminine leadership style’. Now, let’s look at our current world – the pandemic led to uncertainty, economic downfalls, the disruption of the existing ways of life, border unrest, and the aggressions around: All this leads to a transition phase. 

On an individual front, I think, if we shed the wounded masculine qualities of dominance, aggression, and competitiveness qualities to become more positive feminine qualities like sensitivity, understanding, and nurturing, we can have better relationships and better peace. These qualities also will matter much in the ‘new normal’ in the post-COVID era where people realize the difference between essentials and non-essentials in life. The ever-greedy and competitive masculine who has always fought for power and tried to suppress another shall move aside to the frugal and futuristic feminine who tries to collaborate and win together.

Instead of going back to the all-violating, selfish, discriminatory macho capitalism, can we transition to a feminine world?

A world where we nurture and care not just for human beings but also to ensure that we provide a haven to all living beings. A world where human beings thrive to create a conducive and non-violating environment for all beings. A world that offers non-discriminatory and dignified living to any form of life?

Cheers to Feminism


#CeeVee is the pen name of Dr. Chandra Vadhana.

Dr. Chandra Vadhana

Founder and Chief Mentor,

Prayaana Labs

[email protected]

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