The Super Power of Gratitude

What is your first thought after waking up? Have you ever paid attention to your earliest morning thoughts? By nature, many of us get stressed thinking about our Herculean to-do list for the day. Monday blues is a perfect example of pressure millennials say they experience the first day of the week. The world sometimes might make you feel like you are never enough. The reasons range from having abnormal beauty standards to judgments about the choice of career. Amidst all these noises there is something we might focus on to phenomenally thrive in life and that is GRATITUDE. Gratefulness is a simple yet powerful mindset we should create within ourselves to have a life of
1) GRATITUDE JOURNAL: List down three things we are grateful for as soon as we are up from bed. The list could be of simple things like feeling thankful for the fresh air we are breathing, the delicacy of the regular food we have, or even the clean clothes we are wearing. Whatever the list is, the goal of this habit is to cultivate a positive field of mindfulness.
2) CELEBRATING FELLOW HUMANS: Becoming grateful also means becoming a great human. It is important to acknowledge, compliment, and appreciate other people’s achievements rather than look at them with envy. The wins of fellow humans must be your source of inspiration never ever a source of envy.
3) STOP COMPLAINING: We always have the habit of spotlighting everything we do not have instead of counting all the blessings we have. Life is unpredictable and sometimes everything will go wrong, the trick to tackling life is to find solutions and move on with grace. 4) BETTERING THE SELF: Becoming a better version of ourselves both mentally and physically is mandatory. Well-being in all spheres of life can be gained by this practice. 5) RADIATING POSITIVITY: It means choosing to see the world with goodness rather than being cynical of all the mishappenings we have had. This is not easy, and it will take time to manifest. All these practices involve taking note of our negative feelings, accepting them, and changing it to evolve into beautiful human beings. The world is made up of simple humans like you and me. We choose to become finer versions of ourselves every day and this makes the world we live in, a better place.
Author Vandana is a technology graduate and is an advocate of mental well-being and aspires to help people through her learnings in the field.