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Kyra and her friends arrived at the Alps, eager to spend a weekend camping in the picturesque mountains. As they set up their tents, Kyra couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness. She had always been skeptical of the supernatural, but after her recent encounter with a ghost, she was starting to think that maybe, just maybe, there was more to it than she thought.

As they sat around the campfire that night, Kyra’s friends started telling scary stories. Kyra laughed along with them, but she couldn’t shake off the feeling that they were being watched. Suddenly, a strange noise echoed through the woods, making everyone jump.

“What was that?” one of Kyra’s friends asked, her voice trembling.

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Kyra shrugged. “Probably just a wild animal.”

But as they settled in for the night, Kyra couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was off. She kept hearing strange noises and seeing movement out of the corner of her eye.

The next day, Kyra and her friends decided to go on a hike. As they climbed higher, the air grew colder and the sky grew darker. Kyra started to feel a sense of unease, but she pushed on, determined to enjoy the hike.

As they reached the summit, Kyra saw something that made her blood run cold. A figure, tall and imposing, standing at the edge of the cliff. Kyra’s friends didn’t seem to notice it, but Kyra was frozen in terror.

“Guys, I think we should go back,” Kyra said, trying to keep her voice steady.

But it was too late. The figure started moving towards them, its eyes fixed on Kyra.

Kyra’s friends finally noticed it and started screaming. Kyra tried to run, but her feet felt heavy, as if rooted to the spot.

Just as the figure was about to reach them, Kyra’s friends grabbed her and pulled her down the mountain. They ran as fast as they could, not stopping until they were back at their campsite.

As they caught their breath, Kyra turned to her friends and said, “Well, that was fun. Let’s never do that again.”

But as they packed up their campsite and headed home, Kyra couldn’t shake off the feeling that they were being watched. She kept looking over her shoulder, expecting to see the figure from the mountain.

And then, just as they were driving away, Kyra saw it. The figure, standing in the middle of the road, its eyes fixed on her.

Kyra screamed, and her friends slammed on the brakes. But when they looked back, the figure was gone.

Anamika Chakravorty, Staff Editor.