It’s time for men to step up for women’s rights: US first lady Jill Biden

Image Source: Times of India

Jill Biden, the First Lady of the United States, has called on men to play a more active role in advocating for women’s rights. She has emphasized that gender equality is not just a women’s issue, but a human issue and that it is time for men to step up and take action.

Biden has been a vocal advocate for women’s rights throughout her career, and she believes that men have a critical role to play in advancing gender equality. She has stressed the importance of male allies in the fight for gender equality, saying that “we need men to speak out, we need men to take action, we need men to lead.”

Biden has also called attention to the fact that women still face many obstacles and barriers in their pursuit of equality, including gender-based violence, unequal pay, and limited access to education and healthcare. She believes that addressing these issues requires a collective effort from both men and women.

Biden’s message of inclusivity and collaboration is an important one, as it recognizes that gender equality is not just a women’s issue, but a societal issue that affects everyone. By encouraging men to become allies and advocates for women’s rights, Biden is helping to create a more inclusive and equitable world.

Staff Reporter

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