The Gun Violence Crisis: Women’s Voices Call for Action on Mass Shootings in the US

Image source: AP Photo/Susan Walsh

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has said that the US is averaging more than one mass shooting per day since the start of 2023, with the country seeing its 201st mass shooting on May 8. Speaking at a press briefing, Jean-Pierre said that more than 14,000 people had died from gun violence so far this year, and called the situation a “crisis”. She criticized Republicans in Congress for refusing to address the issue and called for legislation to be passed to address the problem.

Jean-Pierre highlighted the prevalence of mass shootings in schools, shopping centers, churches, cinemas, grocery stores, and temples, saying that these attacks were being carried out with “weapons of war” that had no place on the streets. On Sunday, President Biden asked Congress to send him a bill banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, ending immunity for manufacturers, requiring safe storage of guns, and enacting universal background checks.

Re-reported from the story originally published in