Water a Flower Every Day

Come, take a walk with me
Let’s go to school first, shall we?
Let’s sit at the little wooden desk
With open books,
Laughing with friends,
Sharing a whole inside joke with a single look.
Come, take a walk with me
This time to the park, maybe?
Let’s climb up the
Wrong way on a slide,
And with kids yelling from everywhere
Back down the slide, we glide.
Come, take a walk with me
Oh, we need to go home, it’s nine-thirty!
Let’s watch TV with our family,
Fight with siblings for the remote
And when they finally manage to snatch it from us
We’ll endure our parents’ death glare and the sibling’s gloat.
These little treasure-filled moments,
The love that blossoms in their hearts,
The little, happy memories you’ll make together
The beautiful art
This art is called life.
People and Moments, like flowers only bloom
If you relish their presence
And give them back
Everything that they deserve,
Especially the Love they gave you.
Water each flower, appreciate each color
Each bud, each petal, each droplet of dew.
Value every little thing in your life
Be sure to smile and shower them all
With Love. And water every flower,
Because it’s worth it, big flower or small.
-Vaidehi Rajesh is an artist, a weird teen, and a bookworm by day, a poet, writer, and fangirl by night. She is an avid reader and loves challenging her creative muscles!