Image Credit : Rangan Datta

Oh, the stories I could tell you! I am the Metropolitan Building, a witness to the evolution of Kolkata’s commerce and growth. My roots stretch back to 1905, when I was constructed as the Whiteway Laidlaw Department Store, the first departmental store in India!

I remember the excitement as two British entrepreneurs, Robert Laidlaw and Edward Whiteway, brought their vision to life. Their friendship and business partnership had already made waves in India with their successful textile company, Whiteway Laidlaw & Co. Now, they aimed to revolutionize shopping by offering a diverse array of goods under one roof.

As the Mackintosh Burn construction company brought me to life, the city marveled at my grandeur. I was a symbol of Kolkata’s growth and development during the British colonial era. People would come from all over to explore my vast spaces, filled with an array of products. I was more than just a store – I was an experience.

I proudly held the title of India’s first departmental store, offering a wide range of products, from textiles to cosmetics, and even foreign goods. My existence marked a significant shift in the way people shopped, making me a pioneer in the retail industry.

But times changed, and I adapted. Today, I am home to various offices, including government agencies, private companies, and even a few shops. My grandeur may have faded, but my legacy lives on.

However, my history isn’t without its share of eerie tales. They say that the building is haunted by the ghost of a former employee who died on the premises. Some claim to have seen her wandering the corridors, while others have reported strange noises and unexplained occurrences. But don’t worry, I’m sure it’s just the creaks and groans of an old building!

Despite the rumors, I remain a beloved landmark in Kolkata. My walls have witnessed generations of shoppers, entrepreneurs, and visionaries. I may not be as flashy as the modern malls, but my legacy endures.

Come visit me, and I’ll whisper stories of Kolkata’s rich past. I am the Metropolitan Building, a living piece of history, standing tall and proud in the heart of this vibrant city.

Anamika Chakravorty, Staff Reporter.