Image credit: Freepik(Google)

On June 12th every year, the World Day Against Child Labor reminds us about the serious issue of child labor and urges us to stop it. Started by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in 2002, this day sheds light on the struggles of millions of children forced to work in dangerous conditions instead of going to school and having a normal childhood.

Each year, the focus of this day changes to highlight different aspects of child labor. In 2024, the theme is “Social Justice for All. End Child Labour!” This emphasizes the importance of treating all children fairly and giving them equal opportunities to grow up safely and get an education, rather than being exploited for work.

World Day Against Child Labor brings together governments, organizations, communities, and individuals to fight against child labor. The ILO’s International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor (IPEC) plays a major role in protecting children worldwide, and the United Nations also supports efforts to end child labor as part of its broader sustainable development goals.

In India, organizations like Bachpan Bachao Andolan and Child Rights and You (CRY) work to combat child labor by rescuing children from exploitative situations and providing them with education and support. Globally, groups like Save the Children and UNICEF focus on advocacy, policy change, and community empowerment to end child labor globally.

Despite some progress, child labor is still a big problem. According to the ILO, around 152 million children are still working, with many in dangerous jobs. The COVID-19 pandemic has made things worse, pushing more children into labor due to economic difficulties and school closures.

This day is a chance for everyone to do something. Governments can make and enforce laws to protect children, organizations can raise awareness, and individuals can support policies and programs to stop child labor. Together, we can make sure every child grows up in a safe environment, free from exploitation, and has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

World Day Against Child Labor serves as a call to action for individuals, organizations, and governments to work together towards ending child labor and ensuring a brighter future for all children.

-Staff Reporter

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Childhood: Learn, Not Earn

Image credit: Freepik(Google)

On June 12th every year, the World Day Against Child Labor reminds us about the serious issue of child labor and urges us to stop it. Started by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in 2002, this day sheds light on the struggles of millions of children forced to work in dangerous conditions instead of going to school and having a normal childhood.

Each year, the focus of this day changes to highlight different aspects of child labor. In 2024, the theme is “Social Justice for All. End Child Labour!” This emphasizes the importance of treating all children fairly and giving them equal opportunities to grow up safely and get an education, rather than being exploited for work.

World Day Against Child Labor brings together governments, organizations, communities, and individuals to fight against child labor. The ILO’s International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor (IPEC) plays a major role in protecting children worldwide, and the United Nations also supports efforts to end child labor as part of its broader sustainable development goals.

In India, organizations like Bachpan Bachao Andolan and Child Rights and You (CRY) work to combat child labor by rescuing children from exploitative situations and providing them with education and support. Globally, groups like Save the Children and UNICEF focus on advocacy, policy change, and community empowerment to end child labor globally.

Despite some progress, child labor is still a big problem. According to the ILO, around 152 million children are still working, with many in dangerous jobs. The COVID-19 pandemic has made things worse, pushing more children into labor due to economic difficulties and school closures.

This day is a chance for everyone to do something. Governments can make and enforce laws to protect children, organizations can raise awareness, and individuals can support policies and programs to stop child labor. Together, we can make sure every child grows up in a safe environment, free from exploitation, and has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

World Day Against Child Labor serves as a call to action for individuals, organizations, and governments to work together towards ending child labor and ensuring a brighter future for all children.

-Staff Reporter