2 New Year’s Resolutions That Can Help You Get Healthy in ‘22

The mere mention of the word ‘New Year’ conjures images of a fresh start and new goals. Among every 10 New Year’s resolutions, there are at least 5 health-related resolutions. Every year, people make almost the same resolutions, and the reason is that health and wellness-related goals are very restricted and somewhat unattainable. So they abandoned these plans within a week.

So let’s have just two resolutions for this new year. First, plan for a nourishing, long-lasting diet. Second, follow the first plan.

We need to consider a diet rich in whole, nutrient-dense foods and low in excessively processed, sugary goods for a substantial diet. A good, long-term diet should not only be nutritious but also adaptable, which means you can follow it for the rest of your life — no matter the circumstances. A healthy diet doesn’t always have to be complex; it can consist of the foods that we enjoy.

Things that we should consider in a healthy diet:

1. Nutrient Density:

The primary aspect of a healthy diet is nutrient density. We should focus on highly nutritive foods, including carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Some foods like green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, fish rich in fish oil (rich in Vitamin D), and eggs.

2. Diet diversity:

The intake of a variety of food is an essential component of a balanced diet. Eating some kind of food every day can make our digestive system weak. A diet is rich in various types of food benefits intestinal bacteria maintains average body weight, and prevents chronic diseases.

3. Macronutrient ratio:

Macronutrients comprise carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, the primary nutrients obtained from the diet. Fibers are a subtype of carbs. Our meals and refreshments should be proportioned amongst the three. Adding protein and fat to fiber-rich carbohydrate sources, for instance, makes foods more substantial and appetizing.

4. Limitation on the intake of highly processed food:

A key to being healthy in every aspect, i.e., physically, mentally, and emotionally, is to limit the intake of ultra-processed foods. Several research has proved that ultra-processed food tends to reduce the production of norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine, which leads to an increase in the level of anxiety and depression. It also increases the risk of chronic heart disease, obesity, and other complications.

As a result, it’s preferable to prioritize nutrient-dense foods, particularly vegetables and fruits, which will help you avoid diseases, live longer, and enhance general physical and mental well-being.

Ritika Behera is a sophomore Chemical Engineering student. She enjoys reading literature, creative writing, volunteering, and teaching young children.