Five Resolutions for Mental and Emotional Health

New Year, The phrase “New Year” itself brings many hopes for a fresh start and new plans. Then again, these hopes fade away when we realize that out of our many goals, the ones that matter the most from the practical side to us are lost and forgotten already. If this happens to us, shouldn’t we suggest some healthy resolutions?

The teenage years are one of the most stressful phases of life, although it’s not as complex as what we face in the later stages of life. But since they are new to this phase of life, they find it difficult to adjust to their new lifestyle. Anxiety, depression, and bullying are significant issues they face.

This new year, we’ve put together a list of healthy resolutions that will benefit not only teenagers but everyone’s mental and emotional well-being as well:

1. Make happiness your priority:

The priority is finding joy in saying no to work or things you don’t want to do. This will save you a lot of time and energy to do what makes you happy. It can be as simple as listening to music, playing any sport, or doing art.

2. Engage with positive self-talk:

A voice that continuously plays in your head and revisits all the events that took place that day. It is the voice that identifies our self-identity. Sally, this voice typically criticizes our actions, which eventually demotivates us. Fortunately, this isn’t permanent, and with time, we stop evaluating ourselves harshly. This voice eventually changes from “You can’t do this” to “Yes, it’s difficult, but I’ll try my best.”

3. Spend less time on social networking sites:

Most youngsters spend a lot of their time on social media. To some extent, it’s good to be up-to-date. But there is a chance that the person might get addicted to it and might develop a fear of being left out of some other person’s life. Studies show that spending more time on social media can affect mental health. So it is advisable to prevent such a situation before it becomes extreme.

4. Maintaining a daily diary:

A habit of maintaining a daily diary can reduce stress and anxiety. Writing the daily events somewhere helps get negative thoughts out of our heads. It also helps in keeping track of the problems you face. It can become a method of gratitude practice. It develops genuine thankfulness and appreciation, strengthens relationships, and enhances physical health.

5. Ask for help:

Sometimes we feel embarrassed about seeking others’ help, but there is nothing to be shy about it. Everyone knows that everyone needs help sometimes, so ask for it if you need some assistance. And if you are having trouble with your mental health, seeking professional help is advisable.

Ritika Behera

Ritika Behera is a sophomore Chemical Engineering student at NIT. She enjoys reading literature, creative writing, volunteering, and teaching young children.