Yale-City Center appoints new leader after two years


Dawn Leaks Ragsdale, known for her work at Collab and Lioness Magazine, steps up to lead Yale’s Center for Inclusive Growth, a project long awaited since its promise in 2021.

The announcement, made at 65 Audubon St., marks a milestone in New Haven’s entrepreneurial scene. Leaks Ragsdale aims to address the challenges faced by local entrepreneurs, especially those from marginalized communities, who often lack access to capital, networks, and media representation.

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Mayor Justin Elicker and Yale President Peter Salovey emphasized the importance of finding the right leader for the center, which aims to foster economic development across New Haven. Despite the two-year delay, they believe Leaks Ragsdale is the perfect fit.

But what exactly will the center do? That’s still being defined. Elicker sees it as an opportunity for Yale to leverage its resources to benefit the city. This could involve supporting local artists, collaborating with food businesses, or researching policy initiatives like addressing the housing crisis.

Leaks Ragsdale’s focus will be on helping local businesses and nonprofits grow, accessing funding, and aligning with the city’s priorities outlined in the American Rescue Plan Act and Cultural Equity plans.

Tyisha Walker-Myers, President of the Board of Alders, is optimistic about the center’s potential to spur growth while ensuring that all parts of the city benefit, especially lower-income neighborhoods.

In summary, Leaks Ragsdale’s appointment brings hope for a brighter future for New Haven’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, with the Center for Inclusive Growth poised to make a meaningful impact on the city’s economic landscape.

Repurposed article originally published in New heaven independent

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