Boeing promotes woman to fix company’s issues: gender dynamics

Stephanie Pope, a third-generation Boeing employee since 1994, has been promoted to lead Boeing’s commercial arm amid a leadership shake-up. Pope previously served as Boeing’s chief operating officer, overseeing various divisions, including defense, space, and security.

Her promotion comes at a challenging time for Boeing, which is grappling with major safety issues, federal investigations, and customer complaints. Pope’s appointment aligns with a phenomenon known as the “glass cliff,” where women and people of color are often chosen to lead in times of crisis.

Image credit: Business insider

The “glass cliff” phenomenon has been observed in other companies like X (formerly Twitter), where media veteran Linda Yaccarino was tasked with navigating significant challenges as CEO. Examples also include Carly Fiorina at HP, Marissa Mayer at Yahoo, and Sue Gove at Bed Bath & Beyond.

Boeing’s departing CEO, Calhoun, expressed confidence in Pope’s ability to lead during this “watershed moment.” However, Pope herself has not commented on her promotion.

The fate of Russian oligarchs’ superyachts, seized amid sanctions following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, remains uncertain. More than two years later, these luxurious vessels sit in ports, with questions lingering about whether they can be sold and who would purchase them.

The situation poses a significant challenge for the boating industry, as the presence of these superyachts creates a complex dilemma. With no clear resolution in sight, the issue continues to grow more pressing.

Overall, Pope’s promotion at Boeing and the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the fate of oligarchs’ superyachts underscore the complexities of leadership and decision-making in times of crisis.

Repurposed article originally published in Business insider