Activists Seek Support for Assaulted Israeli Women at Feminist Art Gathering

Assaulted Israeli Women
Photo Credit : Amanda Rose

Activists protested against Hamas’ use of sexual violence during a feminist art event at the Tate Modern. The demonstration aimed to raise awareness about the plight of hostages held by Hamas, particularly focusing on the case of 19-year-old Naama Levy, who was abducted in Gaza on October 7. The protesters wore bloodied trousers similar to those worn by Levy and carried signs displaying the names and faces of the hostages. Their chants included “Bring her home” and “Rape is a war crime.”

The demonstration took place both outside and inside the Tate Modern during an event featuring the art collective Guerrilla Girls and the Russian punk rock resistance group Pussy Riot. The organizers claimed that the event showcased the silence and complicity of the international feminist community in the face of mass rape by Hamas.

Passers-by engaged with the protesters, with one Israeli woman expressing surprise and gratitude for the solidarity. When someone shouted “Free Palestine,” the group responded with “Bring them home now!” chants. Israeli flags were displayed during the protest.

Demonstrators emphasized the need to draw attention to the sexual violence committed against Israeli women and girls during the October 7 massacre by Hamas. The demonstration aimed to highlight the ongoing plight of female Israeli hostages and criticize the perceived lack of attention from relevant organizations.

Repurposed article originally published in the Jewish Chronicle