Best Herb for Lowering Cholesterol: Dietitian’s Pick

Image Credit: EATINGWELL

Adding herbs and spices to your meals not only makes them tastier but also offers health perks. Herbs are rich in antioxidants and fiber, serving as a smart swap for high cholesterol by replacing saturated fats like butter without compromising flavor.

High cholesterol is a concern for millions, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke. Lifestyle changes such as a balanced diet, exercise, and quitting smoking are key for managing cholesterol levels.

Rosemary emerges as a standout herb for high cholesterol. Though more research is warranted, it boasts antioxidants and aligns with the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet. Furthermore, it pairs seamlessly with extra virgin olive oil, known for boosting good (HDL) cholesterol while lowering bad (LDL) cholesterol.

Rosemary is packed with antioxidants that combat inflammation and oxidative stress, potentially warding off harmful cholesterol oxidation. While studies remain limited, rosemary may lower LDL levels and elevate HDL levels owing to its antioxidative properties.

Following the Mediterranean diet, abundant in fruits, veggies, nuts, and olive oil, can up HDL cholesterol and shield the heart. Rosemary complements this diet by adding antioxidants, fiber, and flavor.

Combining rosemary with extra virgin olive oil heightens its benefits. Olive oil’s monounsaturated fats can bump up HDL levels and slash LDL levels, curbing heart disease risk.

Utilizing rosemary-infused olive oil in cooking not only enhances taste but also ramps up monounsaturated fatty acid intake. This adaptable oil can be incorporated into myriad dishes, from salads to roasted veggies.

Herbs like rosemary can supplant saturated fats, reducing cholesterol intake sans flavor compromise. Marinating meat with herbs can also mitigate the formation of harmful compounds during cooking.

Maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise, moderate alcohol consumption, and abstaining from smoking are pivotal for cholesterol management.

Integrating plant-based foods such as fruits, veggies, nuts, and herbs into your diet is crucial for cholesterol control. Rosemary, with its antioxidative prowess and culinary versatility, elevates dishes while potentially supporting healthy cholesterol levels.

Re-reported from the article originally published in EatingWell.