Celebrating the International Migrants Day
At SINGA, 60% of participants are women and 80% are parents. Most projects also aim to have a social or environmental impact!

Celebrate International Migrants Day on December 18th with us! For many inspiring migrants, entrepreneurship has emerged as an innovative and empowering way to utilize their skills and potential in their new local communities. Countries around the world are now embracing policies and support programs to encourage migrant entrepreneurs to launch their own businesses. The diaspora community plays a crucial role in fostering this spirit through networking and financial backing.

Switzerland, along with seven other European countries, is at the forefront of supporting migrant entrepreneurs through the remarkable initiative called SINGA. Since 2017, SINGA’s entrepreneurship programs in Geneva have yielded impressive results: every year, three out of ten participants successfully establish their own businesses, while two out of ten secure employment during their market research phase. This not only enables them to contribute significantly to the local Swiss economy but also opens doors to countless opportunities. To date, SINGA has facilitated the creation of over 40 thriving businesses, with ten exciting projects currently underway to generate employment. What’s remarkable is that the majority of SINGA’s participants have held highly qualified jobs, and almost 40% of them already possess entrepreneurial experience from their home countries. What’s more, over 60% of the participants are women, and an overwhelming 80% are parents.

At SINGA, the projects supported go beyond business success alone. They strive to make a positive social or environmental impact at the very core of their mission. These projects are diverse, spanning various sectors such as technology and finance, gastronomy and retail, as well as education and well-being. Over 60% of the program’s participants are women, as they bring their unique perspectives, skills, and leadership to the table. Additionally, many programs empower many parents, enabling them to balance their entrepreneurial journey with their family responsibilities.

Join us in celebrating the achievements of migrant entrepreneurs this International Migrants Day. Together, we can continue to create a supportive environment, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and make a lasting impact on their communities, both socially and economically.

The fifth edition of the SINGA Awards Geneva 2023 gave the following distinctions.

Celebrating the International Migrants Day

Sofia Hallström received the François Périer Fellowship sponsored by the la  Tsadik Foundation for her education project  Contes au pluriel which celebrates diversity with children’s books.! 

Celeste Hay, Celeste, designs and manufactures silk foulards made from ethical fashion that you can buy on the web son site internet!

Rabaa Humam SINGA Award by LYNVI et Standpoint to support her cosmetic beauty products with 100% natural ingredients inspired by the Yemenite culture  Noury offers testing and other customers’ tailored products

Natalie Anderson, Award by LAGRUME, will launch Deep Roots a concept store for gardening at home in a city’s residential area.

Selam Tesfu has the idea to launch Full Houzz, a catering family business with quality recipes from Eritrea.

Celebrating the International Migrants Day

Megi Nakhutsrishvili won the Community Award given by the attendants for HomeAura, a Georgian lunch and afterwork box page Instagram

Celebrating the International Migrants Day

Fiorina Mugione, a seasoned UN Development Cooperation professional, is on the Prayaana Board, serves as an EU Capacity4Development Ambassador co-founded Ofelia International, and holds a key role on the Accelerate Africa board, driving economic growth.