Beyond the Surface: Exploring the Depths of Emotional Maturity

The first thing that typically comes to mind when we consider maturity is our age. The age of a person is not necessarily a reliable measure of emotional maturity, though. Instead, emotional maturity refers to a person’s capacity for both managing and comprehending their emotions.
There are many dimensions to emotional maturity, but to put it simply, being self-aware can also help towards being more mature in one’s emotions and actions.
Now, to be self-aware, one must first be observant of the thoughts, emotions, and desires that frequently cross their consciousness. Second, it involves realizing that we may pause for a moment and resist the want to let that thought, emotion, or desire win. Therefore, in order to increase the distance between our initial impulse and what we do or say, self-awareness requires a sense of emotional maturity. Biologically, this also enables us to limit the chances of an amygdala hijack in our brains, and thus, we end up choosing the more appropriate response.
Interestingly, studies state that, as we give our reflections more time, we discover that there are a variety of emotions that we might experience in our lifetime. But by labeling each of these feelings, we become aware of what is specifically happening inside of us. Is it dissatisfaction, fear, rage, shame, or rejection? Each one will call for a distinct answer.
Admitting when you are wrong not only demonstrates that you take responsibility for your own actions, but it also shows that you are not quick to blame others for your own mistakes. These levels of maturity can only be achieved by incorporating a sense of self-awareness within an individual.
Talking about achieving this self-awareness, it is impossible to overstate how beneficial mindfulness practices can be. One can acquire control of their thoughts and feelings by practicing mindfulness, which can help one become more aware of themselves. If continuously striving for perfection, can also enable the individual to enjoy the little things in life and relieve some of their built-up strain. After all, emotional maturity and self-awareness are not something that comes easily. It can entail confronting aspects of our personalities that we had previously chosen to deny, owning up to past transgressions, and being open and honest about our genuine feelings and ideas. Yet ultimately, it also asks us to be kind to ourselves and let go of the mistakes we’ve made.
She Writer Anujaa Navaratnaa is a Gender Affirmative Coach and Counseling Psychologist