Don’t Ignore Signs of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding in Adolescent Girls: Could Be Endometriosis

Image source: Hindustan Times
According to health experts, heavy and painful menstrual bleeding can be a sign of endometriosis, a condition that can affect not only middle-aged women but even adolescent girls. Dr Jainesh Doctor, an Advanced Gynae Endoscopic Surgeon, has revealed that many girls are suffering in silence due to lack of understanding about the condition. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, he explained that the most common complaints of women with endometriosis are heavy bleeding, painful menses, abnormal uterine bleeding, gastrointestinal symptoms such as constipation or diarrhoea, and urogenital symptoms such as burning and painful urination.
Dr Jainesh Doctor highlighted that endometriosis in adolescents can present as cyclical menstrual pain or even acyclical abdominal pain. If routine medical therapy prescribed by a physician is not providing any relief, the child should be taken to a gynaecologist. The delay in diagnosis of endometriosis is around 10-12 months and in extreme cases up to 2 years, from the onset of the pain. Early diagnosis is key to managing endometriosis.
The presentation of endometriosis in adolescent age group is different from middle-aged women. The treating doctor should be aware of how the early-stage endometriosis will be presented in the adolescent age group and advice surgical evaluation followed by medical management to halt progression of the disease.
Re-reported from the story originally published in Hindustan Times