From Corporate Career to Leading Educator: The Inspiring Journey of Priti Sinha

Priti Sinha
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SheSight is excited to feature Priti Sinha, an exceptional educator whose journey from the corporate world to teaching radiates passion, dedication, and a profound appreciation for lifelong learning. In a candid conversation with Neha Srivastava, Editor-in-Chief of SheSight, for the She Careers podcast series, we explore Priti’s unique path, uncovering her experiences, insights, and the transformative impact of education. With her diverse background and wealth of wisdom, Priti’s story serves as a guiding light for those charting their own professional journeys.

Priti Sinha introduces herself as a versatile educator with a diverse professional journey. She begins by sharing her academic background, highlighting her bachelor’s degree in zoology and diploma in computer science. Her career commenced at NIIT Limited in New Delhi, where she initially taught computer languages to professionals. However, she eventually felt a pull towards the field of education, prompting her to transition to teaching full-time. This shift marked the beginning of a fulfilling chapter in her career, characterized by a deep-seated passion for guiding young minds. She has been a Quality assessor since 2010 and a member of the steering committee of the Tata Education Excellence Programme. Priti’s narrative reflects her determination to make a meaningful impact in the world of education. She has received numerous awards and accolades, including the prestigious EQUIP Award for Innovation and the International School Award by the British Council, and the “6 Thinking Hats” award presented by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.

Priti Sinha
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When asked about what prompted her to make the switch from the corporate world to teaching, Priti remarked that it wasn’t an overnight decision. It was a gradual realization of where her true passion lay. Despite finding enjoyment in her work in information technology, Priti discovered that guiding young minds brought her immense joy and fulfilment. It was as if she had uncovered a hidden passion that had been waiting to be unleashed. So, despite the uncertainties and challenges, Priti took a leap of faith. She firmly believed in the transformative power of education to make a real difference in the lives of students. This belief served as the driving force behind her decision to transition into teaching full-time.

Priti Sinha discussed how her corporate background, particularly in information technology, shaped her approach to education. Using her IT expertise, Priti introduced digital solutions to improve learning and streamline school processes. She stressed the importance of technology in modernizing education, making it more engaging and accessible. Priti’s corporate mindset of innovation and efficiency drove her to integrate digital tools into teaching, empowering both teachers and students for effective learning.

Priti offered valuable advice for women re-entering the workforce after a career break, especially in the education sector. She underscored the importance of starting small and focusing on their strengths as they embark on this journey. She suggested volunteering or part-time roles to regain confidence gradually. Priti stressed the importance of continuous learning, recommending workshops and further education to stay updated. She encouraged women to prioritize their professional development, whether through attending workshops, pursuing further education, or staying updated on industry trends. According to Priti, embracing a mindset of lifelong learning is essential for staying relevant and competitive in the ever-evolving field of education.

Priti Sinha reassured women that it’s never too late to pursue their passion for education. Regardless of the length of their career break or the challenges they may face, she emphasized the importance of staying resilient and determined in pursuing their professional goals. With perseverance and dedication, women can overcome obstacles and make meaningful contributions to the education sector.

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Priti Sinha highlighted the significance of mentorship in the field of education, emphasizing its pivotal role in supporting professional growth, particularly for individuals rejoining the workforce after a career break. She spoke passionately about the mentorship program implemented at Gulmohar High School, where each new teacher is assigned a mentor. This structured approach ensures that new educators receive personalized guidance and support as they navigate their roles within the school community. By pairing experienced mentors with new teachers, Gulmohar High School fosters a culture of collaboration and mutual learning.

Priti underscored the broader benefits of mentorship beyond individual professional development. She described how mentorship creates a sense of community within the education sector, where teachers can connect, share insights, and learn from one another’s experiences. This supportive network not only enhances teaching practices but also contributes to the overall well-being and morale of educators.

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Priti shared a funny story from her school days, adding some light-heartedness to the conversation. She remembered a student who had a creative excuse for not finishing their homework. The student claimed that their younger sibling accidentally used the assignment as a canvas, covering it with colourful paint. This excuse showed the imaginative side of young minds and made Priti smile, providing a welcome break from the usual challenges of teaching. It highlighted Priti’s ability to find humour in her work and appreciate the unexpected moments that come with teaching.

Priti’s eyes lit up as she described her vision for the ultimate classroom experience. She painted a vivid picture of her dream classroom, which she envisioned as a dynamic and immersive learning environment. In this dream classroom, Priti imagined interactive screens adorning the walls and holographic projectors bringing lessons to life in stunning 3D. With these cutting-edge technologies at their fingertips, students would be transported to far-off lands, exploring historical events and scientific concepts in unprecedented detail.

For Priti, the perfect classroom isn’t just about fancy gadgets. It is about sparking curiosity and keeping students engaged. She wanted to blend technology with thoughtful touches, like a healthy snack bar, to inspire learning.

Priti was thrilled as she talked about inviting a celebrity to her classroom. Without hesitation, she mentioned Sudha Murthy as her ideal guest. “She’s not just a successful author but also a dedicated philanthropist and social worker,” Priti explained. “Her journey and insights would teach my students valuable lessons.” She emphasized Murthy’s achievements and how her visit would inspire students to follow their dreams. “Having Sudha Murthy speak would be amazing,” Priti said with a smile. “It would motivate my students and encourage them to pursue their passions.”

In closing, we’d like to express our sincere thanks to Priti Sinha for sharing her incredible journey and insights with us. Her story shows us the importance of lifelong learning and creativity in teaching. SheSight is grateful for the opportunity to learn from Priti’s experiences, and we admire her passion for making a difference in the lives of others. Thank you, Priti, for being an inspiration to educators everywhere!

-Staff Reporter